On the twelfth day of Christmas, p_gotherina sent to me...
Twelve razorbladekisses drumming Eleven candles piping Ten castles a-leaping Nine bats reading Eight witches a-traveling Seven bauhaus a-writing Six graveyards a-teaching Five auro-o-o-ora borealis Four wuthering heights Three northern lights Two sopor aeternus ...and a victoriana in a whitby.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, p_gotherina sent to me...
Twelve razorbladekisses drumming
Eleven candles piping
Ten castles a-leaping
Nine bats reading
Eight witches a-traveling
Seven bauhaus a-writing
Six graveyards a-teaching
Five auro-o-o-ora borealis
Four wuthering heights
Three northern lights
Two sopor aeternus
...and a victoriana in a whitby.
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