Merry Christmas from Shin, Keiji, Hayate, Midori, Suzu, Ai... and me! :D
Sorry the picture's kinda crappy because just as I was going to fish for my homemade reflector, I spotted a f*ing drazil, and I immediately screamed and ran away because I got too traumatised to take more pictures forever .__.||
Oh, and if you were wondering what happened to the Christmas cards... T_T I'm really sorry, but I did not send them out .___. I think I procrastinated too much on them (but I really did send them out last year! ...Er, last year, yeah ._.) but I promise next year I really will send them out! Those who left your addresses with me this year, I will save your addresses and send you cards next year. T_T
For the most part, it's a happy weekend!
My Baby dress finally arrived on Saturday. I loveee Baby! Never quite thought I would say that one day. haha. Their workmanship and choice of lace is the bestest. I am ever so tempted to (try to) make a Baby-esque dress for myself my dolls.
Then, I went to meet Tanaka-san in the afternoon and we did lots of stupid things together again. XD Konishi-san also dropped by and gave us a candy cane each!
And today, I stayed at home with my family in the day and managed to grab a Beth fukubukuro within 6 minutes after sales opened. *_* (I've had lots of training from evil subject registration and Volks After Event... =_= I hope the order really goes through in the end though!!! >_<)
For Christmas dinner... hucks and I had Sun with Moon! And we stuffed ourselves really silly after dinner, with three servings of dessert between the both of us. XD
I guess to me, Christmas is an excuse to..indulge? ._.
And then, new year = time to make up for the previous year's extravagances :(
My mum suggested a mini gift exchange within the family, which got us all scrambling to get presents for one another. XD; My dad wasn't really keen at first, but after he went and bought his stuff, he kept pestering us to exchange our gifts asap. Er. D: