I like this boy. :D
He's wearing my favourite mauve eyes from HCG(?).
I spent today taking many photos! Shall slowly upload them over the next few days...
I would SO love to have a pureskin Lucas. Lucas is my first SD love, and I do so love the pureskin body with the real knees! But I'm not really (or should I say really not?) a fan of catboys... and I don't see why catboys should cost about 13,000 yen more than regular boys. Sigh.
I have a problem. D: I haven't been uploading anything to my server in recent months... but they have been sending me warning notices every other day to tell me that I'm reaching my quota soon. And the weirdest thing is, the amount that I'm supposed to have used up, as is indicated in their email, keeps increasing by 2 to 3 MB each time... which is totally mysterious since I have not uploaded anything at all! So I checked my files but couldn't really find the culprit? Today's was the last straw. It's escalated to some 199MB, when I'd probably only uploaded 160MB of files. D: I created a trouble ticket but they did not respond. Help? T_T
Anyway, consequently, I tried to clean up whatever files I could by transfering some photos over to my
LJ ScrapBook. (They've just increased the quota to 2GB!) Which means I actually tried to be constructive! But I got tired of doing it halfway, so... there's still a mountain of photos waiting to be transfered. *wilts*
Honestly? I know I shouldn't but I don't really wish to procrastinate less... but I do certainly wish for more time in a day. I can't decide what to do first: organise my items for sale, work on my website(s), sew, take photos, watch TV or read?
On reading, recently I've been trying to cultivate the habit of reading
Yomiuri Shimbun regularly so as to brush up on my verily attrocious Japanese. Of course, I've also decided to be less lazy about reading manga in Japanese. (It's just that reading them in Chinese is so much faster and more intuitive!) I got round to re-reading Kiki's Love me tender... addictive stuff. ♥ Unfortunately she only releases one volume in like, two years. -_- Which means my Vol.1 has yellowed terribly from age, whereas my Vol.3 is still crisp and spanking new. XD;
Unrelatedly, OZOC is closing down its Singapore branches! ._. So I spent the better part of yesterday moping and shopping since they had a 70%(!) sale. One less place to shop from now on... sigh. One less place to get my Japanese clothing fix, too. :X Darn. Why are all these Japanese companies closing down one by one? Maruzen(!), Daimaru, ...
OK I think I better stop ranting already. XD Good night.