So I've like disappeared off the face of the planet and I am terribly sorry for that. I mean, I know you all want part five up (well, my only reader, Johnny does at least) and I really want to finish it. Like you wouldn't believe! Just...I've been having really bad writers block lately and I can't think of what to do next!
On a happier note, while I'm in intense writer's block therapy for Part Five of Returning Home, I'm also working on some other things! I know I told you all that in my last entry, but I've been working on this short little drabble during school (I know, tsk tsk, not paying attention and writing slash instead!) and it's about Ryan. His mother is like psycho and does evil things to him like lock him in closets, burns his arms with cigarrette butts, and just being plain crazy. It's pretty intense, although I did make Ryan have alot of break downs. No body likes it when Ryan Ross cries. I'm not particularly happy with this one. It's not my best work, that's for sure. But I might post it, if I ever get the time to type it up because it's on paper.
Also, as I said in my previous entry, I am working on like four other stories. One of them is a baskery!AU. Yes I know, epic right? I sent what I had (which was actually a lot. It only needs like one more part to be done) to Johnny and he said it's good and I should finish it. But I keep making him wait for Part Five! I am SO INCREDIBLY SORRY JOHN JOHN! WRITERS BLOCK IS GOING TO KILL ME SOMEDAY!
If you are reading this, then PLEASE send me some ideas for Returning Home. I already think I know how to end it, but I just need some shit for Ryan and Brendon too. Sooo....
Peace out girlscout =D