The Media Tagrets The Goth Scene Again

Mar 23, 2005 11:27

Just when you thought that bullshit could take a day off, I turn to the news and read this shit about an sixteen year old killing nine people and then turing the gun on myself.

Of course, this kid had lots of problems, but as ususal, somehow, just somehow, the media says that the kid is Goth, and creates pictures with skeletons, and blood.

Hell, anyone can kill someone, even a guy with a bow-tie suit can go and kill someone, but for the love of reasoning, don't blame it on Goth in general.

Where does this come from?

This world is truly insane. We got people that kill babies, kids, and do all kinds of things. The last thing we all need is some kid killing someone because he is Goth. This alone, is why many of us just stay to ourselves. At least, this is what I think, I can be wrong.

Here is some statments from MSNBC

Student Sondra Hegstrom, 17, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that Weise was into Goth culture, wore "a big old black trench coat," drew pictures of skeletons, listened to heavy metal music and "talked about death all the time."

A couple of his friends had said he was suicidal, she added, and they said they were watching a movie once when he said, "That would be cool if I shot up the school."

"They didn't think anything of it," Hegstrom said, but "he got terrorized a lot" by others who called him names.

The FBI's Tabman said investigators did not know if a grudge or vendetta led to the killings and that Weise's targets appeared to be random. Authorities also said Weise appeared to have acted alone.

High school principal Chris Dunshee said Weise “would not be what I would call an habitual troublemaker,” and that he wasn’t aware of a lot of teasing.

“I didn’t really, I guess, feel that he was teased to the point where something like this would happen,” he said.

Students describe ordeal
Student Reggie Graves said he was watching a movie about Shakespeare when he heard Weise blast his way past the metal detector.

Then, in a nearby classroom, he heard Weise say something to his friend Ryan: “He asked Ryan if he believed in God,” Graves said. “And then he shot him.”

During the rampage, teachers herded students from one room to another, trying to move away from the sound of the shooting, said Graves, 14. He said some students crouched under desks.

Student Ashley Morrison said she heard shots, then saw the gunman’s face peering though a door window of a classroom where she was hiding with other students.

With Weise banging on the door, she dialed her mother on her cell phone. “’Mom, he’s trying to get in here and I’m scared,”’ Morrison told her mother.

After banging, the shooter walked away and she heard more shots.

“I can’t even count how many gunshots you heard, there was over 20 ... there were people screaming, and they made us get behind the desk,” she said.

Hegstrom said her classmates pleaded with Weise to stop shooting.

“You could hear a girl saying, 'No, Jeff, quit, quit. Leave me alone. What are you doing?” she told The Pioneer of Bemidji.

Hegstrom described Weise grinning and waving at a student his gun was pointed at, then swiveling to shoot someone else. “I looked him in the eye and ran in the room, and that’s when I hid,” she said.

Students and a teacher, Diane Schwanz, said the gunman tried to break down a door to get into her classroom. “I just got on the floor and called the cops,” Schwanz told the Pioneer. “I was still just half-believing it.”

He shared the Nazi goal of racial purity, saying that when he talked in school about that for his own Chippewa tribe, "I get the same old argument which seems to be so common around here. 'We need to mix all the races, to combine all the strengths.'"

"They (teachers) don't openly say that racial purity is wrong," he added, "yet when you speak your mind on the subject you get 'silenced' real quick by the teachers and likeminded school officials."

"When I was growing up, I was taught (like others) that Nazi's were evil and that Hitler was a very evil man," he said in another posting. "Of course, not for a second did I believe this. ... They truly were doing it for the better."

He also wrote that he planned to recruit high school students to join a neo-Nazi movement he hoped to start on his reservation.

"The only ones who oppose my views are the teachers at the high school, and a large portion of the student body who think a Nazi is a Klansman, or a White Supremacist thug," he wrote. "Most of the Natives I know have been poisoned by what they were taught in school."

The FBI's Tabman said the bureau was investigating the reports of Weise's racial postings, but that it had not yet confirmed they were his.

My response:

Lack of parenting, lack of common sense, lack of self-esteem, and lack of ass displine. A swift kick in the ass is all that I was required for this young kid to get his act together. Kids need displine, not this pussy-wupped talking and they need structure.

That is all.

Robert, The Dark Gentleman
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