(no subject)

Dec 08, 2014 12:08

It was amazing!

Quick pre-note thing: A great aunt died on the 4th, so yesterday morning was the funeral. AKA family. We got there, met with Aunty Madeleine and Uncle Paul. Realised we were at the back of the church and U Paul was like "oh we'll just walk through" expect there was a mass on, so he closed the door. 2 seconds later it opens to reveal...JESSE, My grandfather's partner LOL HER FACE WAS A PICTURE!!! It was like "smiley happy Hey pau---OH SHIT OH SHIT RED ALERT" when she saw me and then she saw mum OH it was too funny! Mum burst out into laughter, I smirked at Jesse and turned away...and couldnt help myself and muttered to the others "I thought Satan couldn't enter churches"//.//I know, not exactly mature but fuck it, the others found it hilarious. Jesse was immed on the phone, prob phoning my dad's sister, Judith, since she won't go anywhere we go...which is why we make it a point to go to everything LOL Went round the other side, met with the very few people who actually came, spoke to the family, joked, told them about the ball and graduation...nannu and Jesse did not exit the church. Coffin came, we entered the church and we went to sit at the back....but A Madeleine waved us towards the second row from the front, with the coffin on our right....the other side of the coffin in the 1st row was Nannu....I'm sure A Mad did it on purpose lol Jesse was behind nannu. Not once did he glance in our direction, but according to A Mad, Jesse was constantly staring. She saw mum and dad last year for a funeral, but neither have seen me for 3 years, except 1 glimpse Jesse got of me about 2 years ago as she walked past me in Valletta. A. Mad asked me if he spoke to me, I said no he hasn’t spoken to me for 3 years. They all know he doesn’t speak to mum and dad, but the fact that he doesn’t speak to his grandkids either causes more upset kind of...so I also told her how he told me to stop going to see him...she said a few choice words that pro shouldn't have been said in church LOL
Funeral ended and it's custom to exit the church after it and wait for the family members to put the coffin in the car and even drive away. And here I got angry. Ignore me all you like, but don't disrespect the deceased by not even exiting the church. Her husband managed it, 3 people helping him, but he managed it. And she was his sister-in-law and Nannu should have come out of the church, even if he ignored us. But funeral ended, we said our goodbyes and left.

Now onto Graduation!!

Vanessa picked me up at 8:30ish, got there at 9...took the official picture together outside, went in got a drink of champagne and walked around...Met with Van's friends, already tipsy, who told us how the drinks were 3/4 alcohol and we should get some. They weren't kidding lol Strong as hell!! Took pictures, met with friends, more pictures, met up with Amy and she gave me a graduation gift that was totally unexpected (put that in cloakroom), sat on couch for a short while, more pictures, met with friend, pictures, Van wanted to go to the loo...saw the line, let her go alone since I had 5 inch heels and there were steps down and the LINE was HUGE...so sat with Amy and co, Van came, we scoffed the desert tray, pictures pictures pictures, DANCE TIME along with pictures, finally realise my feet are killing me, both me and Van are tired (esp as I was up at 6am for a funeral) so we call her dad who is already on the way, sit on a couch for a bit, then head outside to the car.
It was just amazing.

I'm trying to add piucs but it won't let me!! It keeps jamming! I've put some on tumblr, so if you're following me on tumblr, go on my page and search for "about me" or "graduation" while I try to figure this out. I've been trying yesterday and again today......http://gothickangel.tumblr.com/search/about+me HOPE THIS WORKS COS LJ IS PISSING ME OFF..


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