Fall Out Boy...Best show ever!!!! They were glorious!!! Hawthorne Heights, the All-American Rejects, From First to Last, and the Hush Sound were there as well. Oh man, I had a blast. They were all so active and bouncing around. It was so great. I can die a happy girl now.
Graduation should be here now!!! I am so ready for MCLA. I can't seem to get away fast enough.
Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: swedish fish
best tasting things ever
Literary: Gossip Girls What can I say?? I like to read about snobby bitchesAudiovisual: The Little Mermaid Disney Movie classic!!! I always cry at the end.
Musical: 80s and anything rock/popish I can't help. I was born in the late 80s and raised on the music.
Celebrity: Tom Cruise Though he is short and probably insane, I just can't help but love his smile
Now I tag:-
autumnempress h00ray wettysgod_666 bluesman88 and
bluepotpie to complete this same Quiz, Its