Aug 10, 2003 13:53
Well, the drought is over, so to speak. I'm online again, in the comfort of my own home. Granted, its dialup, but things are going okay. Between that and the new phone line... we're set.
So, yah, despite having been gone for largely a month... I dont really have all that much to say. Just the same old, same old, really.
I still dont know whats up with school this fall... still not entirely sure I'm even in a state where it would be a good idea.... and I'm rapidly running out of time to decide what to do... or rather, to decide to go (since, obviously, if I dont do anything.... i dont go).
If I dont go, I'll look for work... part time. I can handle that... and the rewards would be nice.
Other than that, going up to Chico on tuesday to see the new kittens, and to help my mother move. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new kittens... three of them, it seems... unless she was taking her time with the 4th. So.. if anyone here, local to SF, wants a cat... I've got some.