Annnd now I hate myself.

May 28, 2009 17:14

Sorry for this large amout of updates. But now I am compltetely hateing on myself cause I missed those meetings and a chance to get watchmen figures even though I had a good time.

Now mom;s mad at me and is all "Well if you end up regretting everything we're never fucking going again!" and I am fucking crying,.

Fuck this hsit.

I probably shouldn't even be haveing any friends. I'm just gunna regret them and think they are judgeing me at every corner anyways,

I hate this shit, I really do

Now I'm probably not gunna be able to go to any con's naymore cause mom thinks I'll regret them. It's not my fault I regret almost everything I do okay, it's just a reflex.

regret, suckyness., anime, north

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