Jul 01, 2009 09:57
Some of you may or may not be aware that I intend to return to college, and for something no less than a degree in veterinary medicine. While I've known since I was 2 years old that I wanted to be a vet, only recently have I considered a focus other than "general practitioner" - that focus being immunological research. I may end up simply doing general practitioner work, but IR is really poking my "I-want-to-do-that" button.
With that bit of backstory out of the way... I've estimated the costs (of school) at $140,000 - $160,000 (unfortunately not conservative for as much school as I'm looking at...). I think it's probable you understand I don't have this kind of money laying about.
SO. Today I began my "oh-dear-jeebus-give-me-moneez-for-college-n-stuff" campaign and submitted my first scholarship application. This is also a fail safe for me, because the more effort I put into getting back into school, and getting it paid for, the more likely I'm going to try (read: study) to get where I want to be. I have already made up my mind that if I am to complete a second undergrad degree, there is no reason why I shouldn't be valedictorian. None of that slack-ass salutatorian for me!
Anyway, I'll try to keep a running total of how many dollars I've applied for. If a scholarship is for an unspecified amount, I won't include it in the dollar amount, just the scholarship count. Wish me luck!
Scholarships applied for: 1
Dollar Value: $2,000