It's Saturday

Apr 11, 2009 09:17

And I'm at home because I got the day off!!!! Yay!

I am sitting here reading that description for Supernatural episode 420 and trying to contain my squee at how good it sounds. I have good feelings about this one and I can't wait until April 30th because it should be April 30th right this second and 9 PM at that.

I plan to count how many cigarettes Constantine smokes in my story. It seemed to be my default for his character if he wasn't smiting something or romping in bed with John Winchester.

I watched Terminator: SCC at my parents last night with my sister. Watching TV with her is like watching with a black hole. She doesn't care to discuss the episodes, or talk about what the story could mean. It's just TV to her. It's her favorite show besides Supernatural, but she doesn't seem engaged in watching. She feels that I take my shows too seriously because I like to discuss them. I barely do more than squee here and I wish I could write in depth on them because I do want to talk about my shows. That's why I'm here, but I'm not so good at that. It's mostly a one way conversation here. And Mr. Goth really only listens to what I say and doesn't contribute much more than making comments about how happy he is that my shows make me happy. I wanted to talk about how cool the last Supernatural was but we didn't get much of a chance to say anything beyond 'it was cool and funny'. I got the distinct impression she was trying to head me off at the pass.

Reading this over, I feel so foolish. Maybe I am. Is it foolish that my shows make me happy?

Am I crazy for wanting to discuss? I never thought I was, but maybe I am. I feel like I should make a better effort to say something beyond 'squee that was good' or 'wow Castiel was hot' or 'Dean was so pretty' when I post here.

or maybe not.

I wanted to sleep in but I ended up being woken by sounds from my son's room at 7:45. At least if I get tired, I can take a nap. No book selling for me today! Maybe some reading. Zombies are calling.

real life

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