
Nov 30, 2008 08:50

This week is a very slow TV week.

Tonight there's a new Desperate Housewives. Then Monday there's Terminator at 8 pm which is quickly becoming my number two show. I'm really enjoying this new season. I like the buildup and the different plot threads. Heroes is on at 9 pm. I feel that everybody around me is starting to get bored of this show. I'm still willing to tough it out.

My goth put the most disturbing slash pairing in my head the other day. Now I can't stop thinking about it. I may have to write it just to get it out of my mind.

My story is awaiting a final beta then I'll probably post it soon. I hope. I haven't posted anything in so long. I'm kind of afraid.

Remember, if you can't give anything, feedback is always a great gift and it's so easy to give. Just click leave comment, or whatever the comment word happens to be. For me it's take flight. How appropriate even for my new fandom love.

Now I must shower since I have to get ready for work. It's been very busy at my work. People are still buying books. Lots of books.

Forgot to make note of a few things. We watched Tropic Thunder last night. While I did enjoy the movie, mostly, my person favorite part was RDJ and his character's movie trailer that stared Toby Maguire. Now that is a movie I want to see!

Mr goth hated Dark Knight. He said he could not stand the movie's illogical leaps and he turned it off before it was finished. Who is this man, and what has he done with my guy?

On the other hand, we watched Merlin 0111 and it's so slashy that even Mr goth comments on how blatantly obvious it is and he actively tries not to see the slash. If you aren't watching this show, it's a must for any slash fangirl. His comment from watching last night "That means Merlin is a virgin because the unicorn almost put his head in his lap." Then he predicted that Aurthur's last test would be that he had to save Merlin. He seemed very pleased with this outcome. I'm starting to think that he secretly likes the slash on this show. If this is the case, there's no way in hell he'd ever admit it.

tv08_09, writing

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