I must admit. I've spent some time tonight reading this
HEY! SPN fandom! thanks to somebody linking to the post. I was halfway through wondering why it hadn't already shown up on fandom wank when I saw that the poster was underage, and fandom wank has a very strict rule about these things.
I remember a similar wank in Smallville fandom a few years ago. I find it fascinating that now that I've been in fandom longer than a year I'm seeing a lot of the same patterns being repeated in other fandoms. I'm not trying to stir anything up. I'm only making an observation.
I keep thinking I should be getting into the Supernatural fandom, but something stops me. I did write one story and never really seemed to feel the need to write anything else.
And now I'm too tired to keep typing. This cold is really kicking my butt. *wanders off to read gay boys making with the hotness*