[OOC: Most Inmates will have gotten a hard copy of this! Shego started at Level 1 and gets caught on Level 6, so - sorry all you 7 and 8ers.
Edit - these are delivered anonymously, which is the point of using paper copies, so use this post as a springboard for reactions/discussions if you like. c: Shego's going to be staying out of it since.......welp she's not going to be up to much after this.]
A Manifesto for the Revolution, and the Ongoing and Glorious Battle for Liberty.
We believe in one front line. Though our names and natures are diverse, we believe that the inmates of the Barge are united by discourse, by our struggle against the oppression of the Wardens and the Barge, and by our singular desire in freedom, peace, and change.
We believe that right makes might. That compromising with our enemies can only dilute our ideals and harm the resistance! We believe that the qualities our Wardens are trying to erode in us are intrinsic and indomitable, and that nothing can be taken from us that we do not allow them to take. It is the single most important belief of the resistance that these qualities are worth protecting and preserving above all else, and that they can never be destroyed completely, no matter how they are beaten down.
We believe that while we want peace and equality for all, in the current climate it would be impossibly naive to imagine we could achieve our ends without bloodshed and sacrifice. Change will not come here from a negotiation, but from a fight, and when that time comes we must face the lightning without fear of our bodily destruction, and without mercy for those who will not rest while the dream of freedom is alive in the hearts of men.
We believe in a new day. After all battles are fought, and all oppression is overcome, one day, we will be delivered to a beautiful new era, we will find a better life, a better place, and a better way of being than the one we have right now. Brothers, Sisters, I believe that there is a place for hope! That there is a place for change! That there has to be something better than this out there.
And that if there is no place like that? It is our place, to create one.
Between them, the Inmates who'd long since decided enough was enough had worked out which cabins were the Inmates' and which were to not to be delivered inflammatory literature at any cost. She had that list in one hand, although most of it was memorised, and a stack of Prefect's manifestos in the other as she moved along Level 6 quickly, tucking the slips of paper under doors and through cracks.
She comforted herself with the knowledge that knocking out Kirk the previous night was just about as much trouble as she was going to get in. Passing out leaflets - what was gonna happen?