honey, i'm home!

Jun 11, 2009 20:01


I am ridiculously tired. Woke up at 6am, got a shower at 6:30, and we left around 7:30am. I think we got to Amanda's at around noon? IDK, I can't remember. Didn't get back home until 1pm, maybe? Argh, can't remember. Too tired.

Left the house at 1:30ish to go to the hospital because my Opa is sick. Stayed there until... okay, I suck at remembering times today. I think we got home at five or six? UGH. I THINK I AM GOING TO BED.

BUT, I had a great time. It was wonderful. The beach was awesome. Except for the sand, omg. Since I usually don't lay out on the beach, I forgot how sand travels in the wind. And there is no getting it off with anything except water.

The pool was great. It was small, because we were staying at a condo and not a resort, but I think most people went to the beach or just came down later than we did. I... would say more, but I am too tired to think of anything else.

Slowly working my way through my friends list. This is not made any easier by my tiredness. Need sleep ugh.

ALSO: TONY AWARDS. Anyone have Youtube linkage so I don't have to try to find it myself?

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