go nuts....donuts!

Nov 11, 2004 21:07

like a donut, like a donut, life w/o Jesus is like a donut, there's a hole in the middle of your heart.
Last night I went to downtown Raleigh to give donuts to strangers. It was great fun. I went w/ campus crusades, that was the first time I'd done anything w/ them, but it was cool. I met the guy that I see in the cafeteria all the time that reminds me of mike shepherd. His name is 'kris w/ a 'k'' scotty, seth, kris, paula and i were one of the groups giving out donuts. You wouldn't think it would be hard to give out free krispy kreme, but it was. We practically had to stalk ppl to give them donuts...it was nuts.

Here are some of the more interesting ppl we gave donuts to:
1 the car ppl- there were some ppl stopped at a stop light and we asked them if they wanted some donuts. The ppl in the front seat didn't want any, but the girl in the back starts spastically hitting the windows trying to get them open and practically jumps out of the car.
2 the high school group- one of the groups of ppl we attacked w/ donuts turned out to have gone to my high school. We offered donuts and they said no, but then I look, and one of those guys was Lars. Then Chris Banker and Justin Beyers get out of the car. For some reason I was really surprised to see them, so I talked to Lars for a few minutes and then we headed on our way.
3 the new york guy- this guy was interesting. He couldn't believe that we were just giving out donuts, even after we told him why we were doing it (which was to go out and give ppl donuts and share the love)then he started telling us jokes, and asked if we thought God had a sense of humor. His response to his own question was a statement about God laughing when ppl fart.
4 the 'prophet'- this was the last guy we met, and the most interesting. He told us some story about how his wife was pregnant and they didn't have money for gas or something like that. He was apparently a preacher, and worked for the state. When we were talking to him he just looks at us and then tells us something about our futures. Seth is apparently going to be a youth minister, Scotty a pastor, Kris something to do w/ music, and Paula and I are both going to marry pastors.
It was definitely an interesting night and it was cool to meet new ppl, plus, i get to tell ppl that I walked around downtown Raleigh giving Krispy Kreme to random ppl.
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