Apr 10, 2010 10:09
Awright dude and dudettes?
I just spent like twenty minutes trying to do writer's block only to come to the conclusion that I've YET to do anything what I'm proud of. It's not like sad or nothing but Jeeesus. Nothing, I couldn't think of one thing. There's loads I've done that makes me happy, but nothing that makes me go PETER SWEET STAND UP AND TAKE A BOW. I mean, there was Peter an' the wolf flute solo in school band but weves, easy peasy, an' then some things I've written I've liked an' its been nice when other people like them, but nothing to be proud of really. I didn't come out myself- well, less you count to dad, an' there was no pride there, there's like... pppft. Maybe a bit when I broke Rafferty's nose the first time but that's an AWFUL thing ta be proud of so it cancels out.
I get proud of people, like Stitch makes me proud all the time, an' my friends an' yeaaah. I dunno.
Hard to please haha.
Think I'm gonna head up town wiv Pip cause my last pair of acceptable-in-polite-sociaty (no rips no frays, no blood stains) jeans just got a hole in the pocket that grabbing at me Stitch just made HUGE. Look like I'm wearing fuckin' arseless chaps THANKS STITCH, so we'll see if Pip will stand next to us in trackie bottoms or not. Adidas is still a DESIGNER. kind of :P
Not long now till St Ives I'm all exited, first proper holiday away somewhere just for us an' no other reason aaah good times. Poor Puppies though, they can't come. Stitch is obviously gutted by this. My little fluffballs :(
Anyway I'm Audi
Keep it Sweet
you're so great (and i love you),
pip valentine,
peach an' pix,
what a palava,
as i was going to st ives,
dirty casual,
good times,
peter is hungry