GOT2015 is a fanfic exchange dedicated to generating more interest and participation in the wonderful GOT7 fanworks community! It runs from August 2014 through January 2015, and posting begins on the very first day of 2015. What better way to ring in a great new year than with a slew of great new fanfic?
This exchange is a standard fanfiction-based challenge in which participants sign up with prompts that they'd like to see written for GOT7. Every writer is then assigned someone else's prompts, based on the pairings they can write. You are responsible for producing a complete, standalone fanfic for this recipient before the final deadline. In return, you receive a gift fic from someone else, based on your own prompts!
In the end, there is lots of new fic and lots of happy people! All you have to do is follow the rules and stay on schedule!
✯ 23 August 2014: Sign-ups open
✯ 13 September 2014: Sign-ups close
✯ 20 September 2014: Prompt assignments sent out
✯ 25 October 2014: 1st check-in (500 words)
✯ 29 November 2015: 2nd check-in (1000 words) + Last day to drop out
✯ 27 December 2015: Final draft due (1500 words)
✯ 1 January 2015: Posting begins
✯ Deadlines will be followed according to the
US/Eastern timezone (New York).
✯ The minimum word count for this exchange is 1500 words, non-negotiable. The schedule gives you over three months to meet this minimum requirement. Feel free to go above and beyond~
✯ This is a commitment, not an opportunity for free gift fic. It's a relatively small commitment as far as fic exchanges go (only 1500 words), but please don't sign up if you're afraid you won't be able to follow through with it, and do your absolute best to hold up your end of the deal.
✯ That said, sometimes life does get in the way. Just make sure to contact the mod ASAP if you are dropping out or in need of an extension!! It is always better to get in touch sooner rather than later if there are any concerns!
✯ Keep your identity and the identity of your recipient a secret. Having a beta is fine, but try to find someone who is not also participating in GOT2015, to prevent accidental reveals. Make sure that in public, neither of you talk specifics about your recipient, the prompts you receive, the pairings you are writing about, or your final word count. That ruins all the fun!
1 ✯ You are only guaranteed one common pairing when you get your prompts, so make sure you are actually willing to write for every pairing that you list. The mod will try to accommodate your genre preferences, but the genre section is NOT guaranteed.
✯ Crossovers are allowed, but keep in mind that this is a GOT7 fic exchange. Your story still must feature a GOT7 member as a main character. This can include pairings, member-centric works, OT3+ works, etc. as long as GOT7 is the focus.
✯ Last but not least, have fun writing! Make your bias proud. B)
✯ If you've been around the block a few times, you should generally know what is expected of prompts, and can probably skip this section. Some prompts will be more specific, and some more vague. Different writers like different levels of detail when they're given prompts, so it's a good idea to find a balance between the two, or mix it up a little.
✯ Try to give the writer some sort of direction. For example, consider the following prompt series:
a. Jackson/Mark superhero au
b. Jackson/Mark superhero au; mark is more than just a sidekick
c. Jackson/Mark superhero au; mark has always been more than just a sidekick, but it takes his close call with death for jackson to finally realize it.
d. Jackson/Mark superhero au; Mark has always been more than just a sidekick, but Jackson's never bothered to acknowledge their close relationship beyond the partnership. Mark always says that he'd die protecting Jackson, though-and one day, he almost does. Jackson's suddenly professing his love left and right, but Mark's not sure if it's just hero (sidekick) worship or actually something deeper, and he'd rather not get hurt on the inside, too.
✯ All of the above are acceptable prompts! The more effective ones would be B or C, though. They give the writer a scenario, and a direction or conflict that they can explore further. With D, you've already defined the tone, the dynamics of their whole relationship, and half the plot, which is a bit limiting-all that's left for the writer to do is fill in the other half of the plot. With A, there are so many directions for the writer to go that you might end up receiving something you don't like.
✯ Keep in mind that everyone has different preferences! Don't worry too much, and remember that the prompts are all about what you want as a reader. The mod's not a dictator and will not be nitpicking, ever. These are just things to think about based on the mod's personal experiences.
✯ Tweet and follow
@got2015x, PM
hot7, e-mail, or comment on this post! Anonymous is on and comments are screened.
✯ Please feel free to use these contact points at any time during your writing process! Your mod is always here to help.
✯ Perfect! The sign-up post is
right here. See ya there!!
1. To clarify, you are free to talk about your own prompts, what you prompted, what you want, etc. Just not anything about what you're writing for your recipient!
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