Aug 07, 2008 17:14
Yep....I've got to get out and do something soon. My mind is turning to jelly from lack of adult conversation. I need more friends with kids...b/c these days that's all I do..therefore all I talk about. I can to the realization last week that I have absolutely nothing in common anymore with any of my old friends...Not a thing. I can't even carry on a conversation with a normal human being anymore..if I don't talk about child stuff...I have nothing, maybe or the latest sale at Target. Yep my mind has been mommified. Embalmed in a haze of tantrums, diaper changes and nursery rhymes. I desperately need outside interaction. I need friends with kids. Yep...other mommified minds to talk about nothing with.
I have to be completely honest...this is the loneliest role I've ever had.
Well back to reality Lennon is pitching a fit b/c I won't point out every thing is this goddamned coloring book.
Too bad I'm not eating today....I would LOVE a glass of wine.