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donna troy; moirae January 5 2012, 22:17:19 UTC
donna █ Donna's first boyfriend was Roy Harper, who was known as Speedy at the time. It was a typical "we're thirteen and we don't know what we're doing" romance, but they did love each other a lot. I dislike the retcon that says Donna breaking up with Roy led to his eventual drug addiction (mainly because it plays down the Ollie-Roy relationship a bit), and the fact remains that they both continued to love and care about each other even when they weren't dating.

During the New Teen Titans era, Donna was dating a professor named Terry Long, who was, yes, quite a bit older than her. However, they had a good and mature relationship and eventually got married in-between Donna's superheroing. They had a son named Robert and Donna also pretty much adopted Terry's daughter from his first marriage. However, eventually Terry got freaked out about Donna being a hero and putting Bobby at risk, so he divorced her and it was sad.

Awhile after her divorce, Donna started dating Kyle Rayner (of Green Lantern fame). This went pretty well for awhile, until Terry and Bobby both died in a car crash and Donna freaked out and broke up with him. She briefly went back to Roy a little while after this, and then she died.

After her resurrection as a Titan goddess, Donna was technically married to the star-god Coeus. This is creepy for a number of reasons, one of them being consent issues since the Titans were controlling Donna's memories, and the other being the fact that Coeus and his original wife, Phoebe, were sort of Donna's spiritual Titan parents. So... that was weird. But apparently he did actually love her and he eventually sacrificed himself to right the wrongs he'd done to her and stuff. And after that Donna went back to Roy again for a bit.

In her modern canon Donna hasn't had a steady love interest in awhile, mostly because her life is wrought with tragedy and she doesn't want bad things happening to the people she cares about anymore.

I guess Dick and Kory should also be mentioned her, both as people she loves but has never actually been in a relationship with. Dick could have maybe gone this direction at some point, but they are more like siblings now. Kory is Donna's best friend, but, again, there are some serious love undertones there. And sometimes they aren't even undertones.

In the City, she and Roy were heading in that direction again before he got ported out, and she also was flirting pretty generously with Jenson before the same happened to him. She's open to relationships, they just haven't really happened.


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