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Comments 263

mansansfear January 5 2012, 18:39:08 UTC
Matt has all the girlfriends. He's a lover. He loves women and he can be a romantic person. He's also controlling and sometimes a misogynist and he needs to work on his issues ( ... )


exceptfebruary January 5 2012, 22:21:57 UTC
I am eternally curious as to Matt and Harvey

that is all


mansansfear January 5 2012, 22:32:19 UTC
Harvey confuses Matt. Matt knows Harvey is cray cray and also dangerous, and Harvey kidnapped Matt one time and also committed crimes to get Matt's attention and Matt feels pity for him and also disgust. And also fascination, because seeing obsessive madness in action is intriguing on some levels.

Also they held hands one time. :|a


someonetoscold January 5 2012, 22:39:22 UTC
Ohh yeah, that makes sense.

wait, what



crucifriction January 5 2012, 18:39:24 UTC
MICHAEL was married for a while after his tours in Iraq to this one lady and they had a happy marriage!! c: And then their kid got hit by a car and his wife, after suffering from crushing depression committed suicide and he found her body, so. :c His other love interest in canon was his brother's wife, who after she killed her hubby died, turned to him, and he basically helped raise her two kids! But that relationship got pretty strained after the Azrael thing and she probably broke up with him after the "hey let's burn Gotham" arc he was taken from.


THOMAS has awful love interests! He tried to have a casual-sex-only relationship with Cheshire, but she was only doing it so she could have a baby so YEAH HE WASN'T HAPPY ABOUT BEING TRICKED but he has a kid named Thomas Blake Jr. so uh yeah? AND THEN HE HAD THIS WEIRD INTENSE SORT-OF-RELATIONSHIP WITH HUNTRESS WHICH WAS TOTALLY SEXLESS and after his kid got kidnapped and he murdered a few people he played her into ( ... )


enigmaestro January 5 2012, 18:39:34 UTC
In canon, Eddie has had a lot of flings. This is a relatively newer trend, one that started late eighties/early nineties -- these lovely ladies would never last longer than an arc, though, and sometimes he ended up killing them. Whoops. The height of his promiscuity really peaked during his midlife crisis arc (from LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT, which I inevitably reference) when he definitely had two ladies in five issues WHILE fucking around with Batman and this only happened because it's SO EDGY. He flirts like the dickens, but he so rarely invests in another person. That being said, there are three notable exceptions.

One - Jessica, introduced as retroactive canon. He became obsessed with her BUT REALLY ONLY BECAUSE HE THOUGHT HE LOVED HER and didn't actually. He only loves mystery.

Two - Query.

Three - Echo.

The latter two are "kindred souls", as described by his own narrative. Their relationship to him basically colors how Eddie relates to people whom he deems special. Obviously anyone he favors is just better than the rest ( ... )


ebony_mask January 5 2012, 20:17:54 UTC
he slept with desire


enigmaestro January 5 2012, 20:25:31 UTC

Desire literally fucks with him. SUCK IT, TONY STARK!


saicopath January 5 2012, 23:25:55 UTC
like on a regular basis?


microwavemutant January 5 2012, 18:39:46 UTC
Angelica had a boyfriend/fiance in canon. She started dating Vance Astrovik (Justice) when she was 15 or 16 years old (he was 18 at the time IIRC.) They were like peas and carrots from then onward for roughly 15 years of canon until it was decided that they should break up. Fans seem split on this, but I personally think it's good for both of their characters. Getting married at age 19 is a big decision and it's not always the smartest one (just ask Ali!) For a long time Angelica mourned the end of her relationship. Literally for years. And then she met Gravity and they seemed to hit it off. Not exactly dating, but flirting, which is nice ( ... )


noelleno January 5 2012, 19:12:52 UTC
read this entire thing as forrest gump from "peas and carrots" onward...
this is not a bad thing :'|


microwavemutant January 5 2012, 19:17:12 UTC
d'aww :'3


clint barton; moirae January 5 2012, 18:40:40 UTC
clint █ Clint loves ladies. He likes being in relationships, he likes being physical, and he falls hard and fast. He had one retconned-in girlfriend from his pre-Hawkeye days. Her name was Eden and he turned her over the police for being an accomplice in a murder and theft case, so that was fun. Then there was Natasha, and Clint's relationship with her is arguably one of the most important of his life. He loved her a lot, he probably never stopped actually loving her in some way, but eventually he got over doing things like throwing her new boyfriends through windows (sorry Matt). And now they are on pretty good terms ( ... )


donna troy; moirae January 5 2012, 22:17:19 UTC
donna █ Donna's first boyfriend was Roy Harper, who was known as Speedy at the time. It was a typical "we're thirteen and we don't know what we're doing" romance, but they did love each other a lot. I dislike the retcon that says Donna breaking up with Roy led to his eventual drug addiction (mainly because it plays down the Ollie-Roy relationship a bit), and the fact remains that they both continued to love and care about each other even when they weren't dating ( ... )


damian wayne; moirae January 5 2012, 22:22:13 UTC
damian █ Damian is ten and what is love. In canon, he has shown some type of little child non-crush interest in Katana, Supergirl, and the idea of Cassandra. But these aren't so much romantic as "how do I deal with older-ish women who can fight me?" However, these are not romantic in any way that matters. Also when he grows up he is forever alone and lives with his cat, so clearly romance will always come last in the race with cats, fighting crime, and repressing emotions.

In an alternate reality he married Dick and Starfire's daughter Mar'i and they had Tamaranean-Grayson-Wayne-al Ghul babies. You do not want to mess with those kids.

In the City, Damian cares a lot about Nill, but again, not romantic. This is partly because of Damian's upbringing and his complex feelings towards women, love in general, and people in general, but mainly just because he's ten.


brevipennate January 6 2012, 00:07:41 UTC
/mommies him always


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