Запутинство Головного Мозга

Apr 18, 2012 22:36

Пора сделать очередное описание распространенной болезни.
Поскольку уже не приходится сомневаться в масштабах и симптомы стали очень яркими в последнее время.
Чтоб два раза не вставать, использую в качестве кальки свой старый пост про либерастов.
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юмор, Россия, политика, популярный пост, путинизм

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unknown128 April 19 2012, 11:27:19 UTC
"Ну, официально Кремль-то вовсе не поддерживает Ассада и Ко. "

But the Russian television does..... Tolstoy from "first chanel" openly praised assad and said that The Western news media want to portrait him as a brutal dictator..... There were many "krugly stol" on the television (including Malachovs show) were almost all "experts" who sat there openly praised Khadaffi, Assad and even North Korea. And the "Nashisty" also are crazy about this oriental tyrants and constantly compare Putin to them......

Since bouth the TV and the Nashi are controlled by the Kremlin one could say that the praise of this despots is official policy (and Zhirinovski constantly praises them which is a sign in this direction too).

Interesting how many of our "Eurasians" had personal contact with Asians or Europeans.......and could say afterwards that Asians are nearer to us in culture and mentality (also I think they spit in the face of the great Russian culture and all its greatest minds, who based their works on European standarts and forms of art and almost never on Chinese or Muslim).


gosh100 April 19 2012, 11:37:29 UTC
Хрен знает, я эти каналы просто не смотрю.
Вполне возможно что там идет такое зомбирование идиотов.

Я слежу за тем, что официально говорится на дипломатическом уровне - а там вроде более-менее все гладко.

Тут с одним "евразийцем-антифашистом" был интересный случай личного столкновения с культурно близкими ему кавказцами.
Так хоть бы что!


unknown128 April 19 2012, 21:49:19 UTC
"Я слежу за тем, что официально говорится на дипломатическом уровне - а там вроде более-менее все гладко."

Well the diplomatic level is not for the broad public anyway and we all know that Putins propaganda creates an immege of a cosmic war between Russia and the USA while in truth Russia mostly dont resists american politics.....

What I ment is that Putins propaganda mashine wants the Russians to heroise Assad and Quadaffi and compare them to Putin, which seems a rather strange move..... One allways hears from it that "they want to do to us what they do to Syria and Lybia", thus implying that there is a dictatorship in Russia..... The Americans have earlier removed democraticly ellected governments (but never via direct military intervention), but they didnt do this in the last 30 post cold war years.

"Какие-то дагестанские парни решили, что негоже с серьгой в ухе быть мужчиной."

In Moscow??? Since when does tribal "law" aply there.....
But if we follow the principle that any savege who comes to Moscow can impose his own "national laws" on its population, how about some "hypothetical" africans from the "ням_ням" tribe coming to Moscow and start to eat people....after all its their law and we have to respect foreign cultures....after all if they have some customs that are not so nice its only because of "EVIL EUROPEAN COLONIALISM!!!!" without which all nomadic and semi-nomadic tribals would have become industrial powerhouses in just 10-20 years.....

But realy I dont understand the Eurasians....their ideal is the golden horde and some turcic tribals. This forces were purly destructive, all they could produce was chattle and thouse who tryed agriculture did it badly. To say that we are similar to this cultures and should make them our ideal means to embrace berbarity and forces that can only destroy but not create..... Even if we were similar to them we should do all to get further away from them not closer (not to mention that htis tribals did far more harm to Russia (the Krimean Tatars allone abducted over 5 million Russians in a time were the population of the country was less then 10 million) then all western powers togather, and still Zhirinovski yells that "for all the 1000 years of our history the west wants to destroy us!!!!")


gosh100 April 20 2012, 03:11:11 UTC
Я бы не сказал что гос. пропаганда особенно героизирует Асада и Каддафи и переносит их судьбу на Путина.
Про них вообще очень мало говорят от государства в СМИ - но вот в интернете да, некоторые прокремлевские ресурсы именно так дело преподносят. Но все таки больше этим занимаются различные красные типа Кургиняна. Это разгорелось в последнее время как предвыборный ход, и после выборов быстро сходит на нет. Не приходится сомневаться - с подачи Кремля, да.

Что-то я не припомню евразийцев, которые восхваляют татаро-монголов.


unknown128 April 20 2012, 03:33:12 UTC
"Про них вообще очень мало говорят от государства в СМИ "
Well maybe I turned the TV at the wrong time but I got the impression that they were quiet praised there....
And the "Nashi" movement likes them too.....

"Что-то я не припомню евразийцев, которые восхваляют татаро-монголов."

Well for instance their historians....Gumelev or Nefedov praise them a lot and even write "иго"
Here is an example of Eurasian Mongol praising


gosh100 April 20 2012, 03:44:05 UTC
>>>Well for instance their historians....Gumelev or Nefedov praise them a lot and even write "иго"

ааа, вот чем речь.
Ну, это скорее используется как противовес той точке зрения, что вот мол русские погрязли в отсталости на сотни лет из-за монглольского ига.
То есть это не переносится на современную политику, это просто переписывание истории в более "национально-горделивом" ключе. Что мол не так уж иго и было плохо для нас.
И эта новая точка зрения конечно воспринимается на "ура" в патриотическом лагере.


unknown128 April 20 2012, 04:00:55 UTC
"И эта новая точка зрения конечно воспринимается на "ура" в патриотическом лагере"

Interesting "patriots" who see the enslavement of their country by a barbaric band of saveges as a scourse of pride.......
The most important thing for them here is again that Russia was "freed from the dirty west" by the Tatar yoke and that "At least it wernt the Germans"....Once again we see this strange mentality along the lines that "may we all die if the west gets hurt by it".....

But I wouldnt say that its just history though......People who think that way like to argue that Russians arnt a slavic (and thus European) nation but rather a mix of slavic and Turcic peoples and cultures mostly created by the tatar yoke, for Nefedov "true" russian history didnt start with Rurik and the Normanns (whoum he sees as brutal colonizers), but with the Tatars who created a unique Eurasian Russian culture. Some even go so far as to say that the Golden Horde was the first Russian empire and praise the russian troops who took part in Mongol raids on Europe (THEY FEARED US BACK THEN!!!), since it seems as if their main goal in life is to be feared by the west.....

If in the 19th century we had 2 positions the westernizing and the slavophile, one of which placed Russia into a single European civilisation (as a backward part), while the other devided European civilisation into 2 parts (Roman/Germanic and Byzantine/Slavonic) and placed Russia into the second cathegory, bouth groups hated the tatar yoke and harbored a deep mistrust towards asia. Now this weird "Eurasians" showd up....... with a radicaly new version of history and it seems that Putins regime is using this version to keep the peace between the shrinking European and the growing Muslim population of Russia. Still this version is refuted by bouth Archeology and Genetics (that shows that Russians arnt a mixed half slavic and half Turcic "Turan" people).......Still how does one explain something to people who think that the west is the scourse of all evils in the world and the world was sooooo well of before the Europeans conquered it and imposed their will on it....


gosh100 April 20 2012, 04:22:28 UTC
Блин, ну если эти же патриоты прославляют сталинизм, то уж о монгольском иге удивляться не приходится.

>>>"may we all die if the west gets hurt by it".....

"назло маме уши отморожу"

>>>People who think that way like to argue that Russians arnt a slavic

Не, ну это не пройдет никогда. Так ведь даже хохлы любят дразниться что москали-де - "угро-татары".
Такую дразнилку мало кто захочет всерьез на себя примерить.

Это точно маргинальное направление, его можно не принимать всерьез. Да, переписывание истории нравится многим в том плане что де "мы да татары вместе Европу рвали!", но "парашить" русскую культуру "монголией" мало кто захочет.
Да и вообще настоящие "евразийцы" (Дугин и Ко) хоть и близки Кремлю, но это ничтожное течение. Их идеи непопулярны совсем.

Путинский режим использует для умиротворения гораздо более простой и грубый инструмент - 282-ую русскую статью.
Я думаю не стоит приписывать им настолько тонкие игры.


unknown128 April 20 2012, 12:12:23 UTC
"Блин, ну если эти же патриоты прославляют сталинизм, то уж о монгольском иге удивляться не приходится."

good point.... For me by the way this 2 periods were the most harmfull to Russia in the long run.

"Такую дразнилку мало кто захочет всерьез на себя примерить."

At least this is nice to hear....Nefedov remains in the minority here I guess, I hope the same goes for his theory that horses and cows destroyed the Russian Empire....

"Да и вообще настоящие "евразийцы" (Дугин и Ко) хоть и близки Кремлю, но это ничтожное течение. Их идеи непопулярны совсем."

Hmm...and whats the difference between this "true" Eurasians and the liks of Michalkov and Narochnitzkaya? Or even from the "EDRO" Members who proclaim that "we are a collectivist nation like China and not an individualist one like the decaying west"?


gosh100 April 20 2012, 12:18:53 UTC
>>>Hmm...and whats the difference between this "true" Eurasians and the liks of Michalkov and Narochnitzkaya? Or even from the >>>"EDRO" Members who proclaim that "we are a collectivist nation like China and not an individualist one like the decaying west"?

главное не чем они отличаются, а что их объединяет.
А объединяет их то, что их либо ненавидят, либо игнорируют.
Никто их них не является "трендсеттером" даже близко. Так что разбираться в их бреднях - слишком много чести.


unknown128 April 20 2012, 13:05:24 UTC
I didnt mean that they are popular I just meant that Putins regime is strongly supporting them and gives them a lot of space for propaganda......Which would imply that Eurasian thaught is seen by the regime as one of the pillers of its "national idea"..... Its allways nice by the way to hear Nashists or EDROses saying every year that "Now finaly our national idea will be born!!!"......Strange Putin is in power 12 years and even his followers admit that we still dont have a "national idea".......


gosh100 April 20 2012, 13:31:36 UTC
Ну, особой поддержки от режима "евроазийцам" что тем, что этим я как-то тоже не вижу.
Да, некоторые выдают такие идеи публично, но нет какого-то глобального такого проекта.
Вот как был проект "Наши". У тех все было очень просто - "нет фашизму" и "да здравствует Путин". Все.
Никаких более заморочек с культурно близкими монголами они не продвигали.

Я повторю, Кремль действует крайне упрощенно. У них просто не бывает таких сложных схем.
Просто часть запутинцев двигает "красные" идеи, часть "евразийские", часть даже прозападные.
Кому что в голову взбредет.
А режиму на это плевать, Путину главное чтоб все они лизали им задницы как можно активнее, это единственный критерий.
Вон, РПЦ подключилась к подлизыванию и мы видим что скоро чуть ли не всеобщая православизация будет нац. идеей.


unknown128 April 20 2012, 18:29:53 UTC
Well as I said I dont know much about current Russian politics, but yes....Putin himself nevers seemed to behave as an ideological anti westerner. He spoke a lot of anti-american phrases but had far less against western-Europe and never could one hear such ideological beliefs about "the west" being the scourse of all wars and poverty in the world by "sucking the world dry and living good from it", that his EDROSses so often express. By the way what do you think, how widespread are such beliefs (thet the west is the scourse of all the worlds problems) in modern Russia?

"Вон, РПЦ подключилась к подлизыванию и мы видим что скоро чуть ли не всеобщая православизация будет нац. идеей."

There are different wings in the Church as well.....
While the liberal wing is very small, there seem to be 2 strong once an traditional slavophilic and an eurasian wing.

The Slavophiles adhere to the idea that Orthodoxy is the purest form of Christianity with the West losing its way in time, still they are mostly more sympathetic to other Christians (especialy to Catholics) then they are to non Christians.
Despite all their hostility towards the west they see it as nearer to Russia then the eastern Religions, to whoum they harbor a certain mistrust. This people also love large parts of European culture and use them to propagate Christianity (and they like western christian apologists like Lewis and Chesterton).....

The Eurasians see the west (and not just the modern west, but also the west of the medieval period) as a satanic force that is far worse then all other religions, a force that just wants to destroy and corrupt, an ultimate evil.... They see modern Islam as the great champion against the west and praise its virtues and moral. They often say that Orthodox and Muslims allways were allies against the west and allways fought togather, for instance during the crusades (LOL I guess they forget that it was a Byzantine Emperor who CREATED THE CRUSADES!). This people call for a Russian-Muslim alliance against the west (dismissing other Orthodox like Greeks and Bulgarians as lost causes who have sold out to the west) and rewrite history because in the real world no other group fought Muslims so much and lost so much to them as Orthodox did (This people forget that Egypt, Syria and Turky were once the heart of the Orthodox world), and in the real world Orthodox-Catholic alliances against Muslims were far more common then the other way around.....Also Orthodox fought far more war against Muslims then they did against Catholics....

In pre Revolutionary Russia not even the most anti western Priest could have believed in what this Eurasians believe now (Famous Eurasians that I know are the Theology Professor Osipov and Putins alleged spiritual father Tichon).

So the orthodox church is not monolith in this regard.


gosh100 April 20 2012, 19:14:26 UTC
>>>By the way what do you think, how widespread are such beliefs (thet the west is the scourse of all the worlds problems) in >>modern Russia?

Думаю, процентов 50% в это верят.

Фааак. Что Осипов и Тихон такое действительно говорят?
Что православные с мусульманами всегда в союзе боролись против запада?
То есть русско-турецкие войны, массовое движение за балканских единоверцев против турок они просто игнорируют?


unknown128 April 21 2012, 10:54:26 UTC
I havnt heared this concret phrase from Osipov and Tichon, but I heared it from a lot of "Orthodox activists" for instance here: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D0%B2%D0%B7%D0%B3%D0%BB%D1%8F%D0%B4+%D0%BD%D0%B0+%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BC&oq=%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D0%B2%D0%B7&aq=0L&aqi=g-L9&aql=&gs_nf=1&gs_l=youtube-psuggest.1.0.0i19l9.659.24574.0.26740.

As for Osipov, his anti western (and not just the modern west, for him even the medieval west was satanic) tirades are well known, on the other hand he praises Islam as the only force now standing against the west and the "greatest terrorist of the world the USA", this can be found for instance here: http://rusk.ru/newsdata.php?idar=43183 There was an even "better" article of his about this topic but I cant find it now..... Also Osipov is a great admirarer of the islamic republic of Iran (forgetting that its the Islamic country with the fewest mosque visiting....) and he several times said that he wanted to create an "orthodox republic of Russia" and enforce moral norms by law (forgetting that acording to orthodox canon the church cant rule a state).

As for Tichon...... Well in his infamous film about the Byzantine empire (That was more a film about Tichons view of modern Russia then about real history) he speaks about the evil west most of the time and the only time he mentions Islam (forgetting that the byzantine empire waged war agains Muslim states since the Islamic Prophet Muhammad first invaded their territory and that around 70% of the wars waged by the Byzantines were against muslims) is when he speaks about Constantinopols fall). There was also an interview which I cant find now (Il show it to you when I have found it on you tube) in which he sais that Eastern civilisations develop naturaly and creativly, while the west is unable to create something of itself and only steals from others (a parasitic civilisation). He thus places Russia/Byzantium in the row of "eastern civilisations" which stand with Islam, China and co against "the west".


gosh100 April 21 2012, 20:01:50 UTC
Ну примерно понятно теперь откуда Путин черпает эти бредни про близость православия исламу.
Куда ни плюнь - его окружают какие-то полоумные параноики.
И походу, действительно они все вместе толкают Россию в этом направлении.
Значит все-таки такая пропаганда не просто один из диверсифицированных забавных глюков у кремлевцев.

Правда они явно еще не равзернулись на полную мощь.
Почву что-ли прощупывают?


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