I've been meaning to update this journal more frequently, but obviously haven't been doing a good job translating that intent into action. Recluse mode is something I slip into a bit too easily for my liking, but it's also comforting to be all holed up, with just a cat and the internet for company. After a good three or four years spent in more-or-less continuous frustration and angst, I can't help but feel that a break from everything is a good idea. Summer vacation's going to have to end soon, though.
After many delays, the final episodes of
Avatar: the Last Airbender finally aired this weekend, an event for which I was quite stoked. It didn't let me down. There were some plot holes, a few threads left dangling, but there were also good dramatic moments and a couple of truly climactic showdowns. The duel between Prince Zuko and his evil sister, Azula, was particularly well staged; by the end of it, I felt genuine pity for the princess, a character I found unsympathetic and cardboard for much of the series. I'd been curious as to how they'd deal with her in the end, and while her ultimate fate was left unsaid, her final scenes provided emotional closure to both her and her brother's paths through the story.
Overall, the finale was like the rest of the series: Likeable, consistently-portrayed characters; creative and exciting fight coreography; solid execution of an archetypal plot; geared toward the 12-15 crowd, but with enough nuance and lack of condescension that it can be enjoyed by more mature audiences.