comfort foods and sensuality

May 15, 2009 11:25

there are some fucking things that just don't make any god damn sense to me. like COMFORT FOODS, what the FUCK? comfort? FOOD? why the fuck would i ever be so fucking usless that i need *comfort* even less in the form of FOOD? seriously? people are so fucking wasted in the head that they haven't grown up past the point of needing to rationalize a bad mood with an embedded psycho-somatic connection to some shit that draws them back to a point when they had a good time? you people are really so undeveloped as a person that you're actually fucking reassured by *consuming*?!?!? fuck the merchant princes owning the masses wallowing in a capitalistic stupor, *this* is an example of western society. we're so bored and lacking in things to distract us from our most minor discomforts that at the slightest drop of seratonin we're eating. foods. specific foods. what a pussy-whipped, brady bunch, sparkling shiny thing to fucking be a part of. comfort foods. what's next your favorite blanket that gives you security? grow up. no wonder popular culture has a god damn weight problem.

also, people that post to sensuality_art with pics of children.
i have absolutely no problem with creating twisted little psycho children that will become mass murderers or genocidal manics. with the advance of modern medicine, these 'disturbed' children are currently the best chance mother nature has of surviving us. HOWEVER. FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU!!!!! by the stealth-farts of a llama god, what is this, a pediphile community? is your post nothing but a black and white, poorly backed up with the chubby cheeks of a runt so god damn young that it makes even common house flies look like ebineezer scooge's grandfather by comparison? get the net: YOU SUCK AS A PHOTOGRAPHER! i don't care HOW beautiful your shots are INCIDENTALLY. STOP MAKING THE COMMON MAN INTO PEDO-BEAR. GO TO 4CHAN or even fucking FAPCHAN IF YOU NEED TO POST THAT SHIT. jesus gay dolphin fuck fest, i can't believe i've seen this MORE than just a few times. it's fucking pathetic. huck your roll and go seek out something TRULY worthy of stoking the banked fires of everyone's forgotten lust, or yours.


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