i blame geminibalance

May 13, 2009 12:06

Think Fast !!! a meme

Be quick as you can. You have 3 seconds for each answer to honestly put what comes to mind... never know what your sub-conscious may be telling you. Give it a try, remember 3 second's.

1. I need a cigarette:
sampoerna classics are off the shelf. fuck you marlborough

2. Sex:
fuck yea.

3. Relationships:
usually worth it, need to be predefined

4. Your Last Ex:
rules, and floats around like a balloon on a summer's breeze

5. Power:
corrupting me. all that i feel. absolute light socket

6. Marijuana:
macremae your ass into the sofa

7. Crack:

8. Food:
fuck it.

9. Your b/f or g/f?
a dredd godess

10. War:
more plz.

11. Cars:
fuck they're handy

12. Gas Prices:
fucked if i know what they're doing

13. Halloween:
every day.

14. Bon Jovi:

15. Religion:
evil. yet it kills so many ppl it must be good?

17. Worst Fear:
unintentional self death.

18. Marriage:
completely worthless in it's current expectation set, yet it's gaining popularity as a bigotry tool. jesus gay dolphin fuck fest the dichotomy is screwed.

19. Fashion:
black. skulls. blood. moar.

20. Brunettes:

21. Redheads:
are acutally *orange* most of the time. that shit is ugly.

22: Work:
fuck that shit.

23: Pass the time:
never live your life just to watch it pass by. be the one passing shitbirds by who are content to just sit on their pud and fucking 'pass the time'

24: Football:
looks like slugs bashing into eachother for the most part

25: One night Stands:

26: Pixie Stix:
snorting them isn't what it's cracked up to be

27: Vanilla Ice:
good in a granita. when on the stereo, cause for an icepick to the offending electronics

29: Porta Potties:

30: High school:
free education paid for by the man.

31: Pajamas:
why wrap yourself in them when you can just toss on another blanket.

32. Wood:
heh-heh heh-heh

33. Surfers:
i wish there was a good nearby place to be one. i <3 surfing

34. Picture:
the world through the eyes of a hyperdimensional cheeze god. he's probably using his powers for awesome making the cows lactose intolerant and watching them explode into purple hives. it's probaby happening right now. i mean you haven't been out to carnation have you? i sure as hell haven't, and with our luck the hives won't be fucking purple, they'll be red and then all of a sudden we'll have ppl with dinner cloths wraped about them pointing at it and shouting about books written when we still thought the world was flat declaring it to be the penultimate sign. then they'll all wander off and dust off a rock and start building a new temple and declaring everything that doesn't see the same shit that isn't going on that they see to be the root of all evil, then elvis will have to return, but the cowgod won't like him. there'll be an mass invastion of hyperdimensional cow-angels who will turn the world lactose intolerant and we'll all give up on cows and start raising tofudu beasts on the nutricious serengetti and we'll all have fun with olives and not offend the rabbits and the tunifish anon. picture it.

35. First Love:
was totally not worth the effort.
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