Aug 09, 2006 10:58
this is so fucking ridiculous. it's like i'm writing two different journals in here now. 1. the journal i started back in 2k2, and 2, the journal that evolved in 2k4... things need to synergize in that area.
i think i've determined something. the power that i re-grasped from metal when i re-grasped it after breaching out the sea of tekno... that power was too frantic, to frenetic, and i gripped it too hard. it's not surprising in retrospect. that's like going from a hot tub to a regular pool. and the rage railroaded for a while. i saw it in several friend's eyes.
they were disturbed with my reaction to it. no common neural pathways, the only place rage could channel in my mind was overt anger and malice. it's good to drip with malice, but temper that to the rumble of a straight 6 with a glass pack. it's also good to temper that, but don't let your cylinders miss and start calling metal things that are really just fucking 4banger rice rocket shit-bird machines [mudvayne anyone?]
best said is that gripping it too hard means you can't flex. you can't work around obstacles you're like an immovable object confronting any force, unstoppable or no there's a chance it'll hit your harmonic point and like a window you'll shatter.
it needs to be a hot and fire power. an energetic and organic thing. the word metal may imply cold steel, but there is metal in a lava flow, and it's primal. the flow of lava is like rage scouring through your veins. temper that not in heat, but with thrall. what do you get?
not sure yet....