(no subject)

Jul 20, 2006 07:51

i hadn't realized exactly how uninspired other people are.

perhaps inspiration isn't the right word. perhaps it's creativity. perhaps inspiration is the 'energy' i keep referring to in my head and the thing i'm supprised at is the lack of creativity, that glass ball to look at the world through that tells you escher was right when he held it up and let his brain flow out through his pencil.

... chad's back. his myspace says he's in honolulu. if that's right i'm going to fly there and hang out with him. he's one of the few people i've ever been able to bounce ideas off of. i don't think i care if he steals some of them anymore. even beyond the synergistic plot of the moment, i need someone who will look at new horses that scatter a covey of doves and come up with a flock of pegasaii.

if he's in hawaii i'm getting a cell phone, hands down. i just comitted myself to something this summer that i'm no longer uncertain of. last night was the worst walk home of my life. madd matt was right. leaving your friends behind for something is a large decision, a comittment you'll always regret.

but still my friends aren't going where i'm going. and where i want to go is metaphoricly beyond the atmosphere. it's conceptually beyond all safety nets because those are garuntees and where there are garuntees of safety everone has been, or is now, or will be soon after you point out it's existance.

it's the sacrafice. i'd imagine that right now i'm jumping over a level how my brain works. if i'm going to work with people and not figure out how to do it on my own first, then i'm going to need to depend on them to help me understand the conceptry that i'd have figured out on my own. the question in that is do we have the right group?

we're trying to synergize something without taking the time to teach each person the basics of how to synergize. it's like a tefflon brain syndrome. i'll go for this collective, but it's time for me to step it up and do something that the collective can or could use. sort of like entry fee into taht inner circle where you're allowed to plug in and synergize.

glad i picked up a copy of ragnarook last night. i may bounce this off of chad, but i think this one's going to need to be all me.

next up:
design the method to tear apart viking mythology. go.
make a schedule go to all the ring's practices and get an idea of what they do.

life, cirkus, wonderment, writing

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