Nov 25, 2005 21:27
it just occurred to me that if any of the metal websites i knew of had a login for their forms that had an add on *any* fucking add on, even a very limited and tiny one god damnit, I'd use it instead of this. instead of instead of myspace (ok so i finally deleted that fucking piece of shit), instead of livejournal, instead of god damn EVERY FUCKING THING ELSE.
for FUCK's sake I'd know immediately what to put in a public or private entry. and yanno fucking why?!?!?! BECAUSE THE ONLY THING BELONGING IN PUBLIC ENTRIES IS SHIT ABOUT METAL! that's it! that's all!!!!
i can't even log in @ *deadjournal* anymore without even encountering a TAN-GREY. omg can i get *pastell-black*?!?!?!?! omg we ALLREADY use it?!?!?!?! *OMFGYAAAAAAY*!!!!!!!!
jesus *fucking* christ what the fuck is going on around here? shit, is it bad enough that i'm confronted with the pastell uselessness of forcing myself to appear to be subsequent to someone's wishes just at *work*, can't i find a suitable solution here? god i SWEAR if there was an add on to *any* mail that i could find that gives *threaded* replies to your inbox, i'd fucking put up my own god damn server. that's it. no more fucking goggle with their *forever* storage, an *oh so convenient* storage by the us government for any document that's passed the 90 days in storage that now is simply *electronic media* instead of *protected personal mail* and for god's sake don't let them supina your god damn inbox. fuck, you think *sane* people can't get out of fucking god damn asylums, you bet the fuck if the CIA ever winds up looking at your shit to try and perse... er prosecute you you'll never be able to afford a fucking lawyer that can defy whatever obscure shit they combine out of your day to day mockery of a worthwhile life. they'll take in the local talent's abilities and judge rates against your yearly salary. for fuck's sake it's all there. it's not a conspiracy theory, it's modern society and the constant battle for justice in the face of those who will constantly try to pervert it. either have good friends or be able to pay for a shield of steel god damnit! and FOR FUCKS SAKE DELETE YOUR GOD DAMN EMAIL AFTER YOU READ IT WILL YOU!?!?!?!??! HUH?!?!?!
*why* do i ask WHY must this be something that i've even encoutnered in life? *why* must we do something so uttterly fucking *stupid* as keep GIGS of random smatter between you and sammy and ooh this week there's WANDA too isn't there got to keep the life *spiced* up and for GOD's sake you don't want to loose that tiny note from JENNA last June my god she had a HUGE RACK didn't she omg you WANT to be reminded of JENNA'S RACK don't you ooooh yes SAVE that bitches shit over here and ARCHIVE your halloween pictures from that HAWT GOTH chick and keep LOOKING at that reminder to GET OFF YOUR ASS and fucking go visit THE FUCKING OCEAN or TALK to your cousin or THAT ONE WEBSITE no can't forget that and how it hooked you up for HOT IM SEXX with that supermodel.