"no passing out of, what, sacred calamari?"

Mar 13, 2011 22:31

Wow, guys. Today I did ALL OF THE THINGS.

1) Read half a novel(la).
It was Stephen King's Rage, and it was the final half. I started it on Friday and it made me laugh out loud more than I would care to admit. He just nails high school; it's almost terrifying. Some of the shit in this hit so very close to home (not Charlie Decker's bits, don't worry) it was uncomfortable. STEPHEN KING, YOU KNOW MY SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD SOUL.

2) Got a job (provisionally).
See, here is how this went: I woke up at 8 AM, but nothing is open really until noon on Sundays. I sat around in my apartment faffing around on the internet and getting ready for just over an hour, then went to Starbucks, where I finished reading my book. By that time it still wasn't even 11, but I decided I'd stroll down the Kings Road and pop in to cafes and things that happened to be open. The second place I went, Manicomio, is in Duke of York Square, right next to the Saatchi Gallery (one of my favourites). I just figured, "Hey, what the heck, this location would be the most perfect ever" and strolled in. Within 5 minutes I was having a chat with the manager and she invited me in for a trial shift tomorrow! I mean, the position isn't guaranteed mine yet, since I don't have actual serving experience, but I feel like I can rock this. She seemed pretty impressed with my general ability to function like a human being and speak English coherently, plus all my retail/customer service experience, so...GOOD VIBES, SEND THEM TO ME, OK?

3) Went to the Saatchi Gallery.
Obviously, since it was right next door (and free). I went to visit a few of my favourite paintings, then went for a stroll.

4) Started reading Kraken by China Miéville and HOLY JESUS YOU GUYS IT IS SO GOOD.
I've just been spazzing about this book with Meghan on MSN because IT IS UNBELIEVABLY CRAZY. IN EVERY GOOD WAY POSSIBLE. It reads like a JJ Abrams show, if JJ were super-English and cross-bred with Stephen King. Maybe a little Tarantino in there. WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS THAT IT IS THE BIGGEST MINDFUCK OF ALL TIME. I'm only 120 pages in and have already had multiple "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY LIFE" moments. This has never ever happened to me in a book to this extent. I mean, yes, I get sucked in and feel compelled to keep reading to find out what happens next, but this shit has honest-to-god cliffhangers at the end of chapters that remind me of the final few minutes of episodes of Alias or Lost or Fringe (which I am also just getting into!) that are just GAME-CHANGERS where you're all "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, TELEVISION! I TRUSTED YOU!" ANYWAY, UM, MUST READ EVERY ONE OF HIS BOOKS EVER PUBLISHED IMMEDIATELY?

5) Went to the Natural History Museum.
Bits of Kraken are set there and it was basically just up the road, so, you know, obviously. It was unbelievably crowded so I didn't spend very long there, but I haaaaave to go back during the day on a weekday when it is more sane. I did find this:

I didn't have a map and had never been there before so the entire 45 minutes I spent there consisted of me wandering around aimlessly looking amazed at everything, but this is legitimately the first sign I read. And it is nowhere near the entrance of the museum. I just powered aimlessly in one direction until I got to a room full of whales, and then this, for some reason, was in the back corner. I don't even know, but I love it.

6) Had a really tasty baguette from Le Pain Quotidien.
It was really thinly sliced chicken (but real chicken, off a chicken, not cold cuts! NOM) with tomatoes (in chunks, not slices, which is the only way they should be in a sandwich in my opinion!) and spicy mayo and it was super-delicious, so thanks for that, Pain! You are super great.

7) Skyped with my mom & grandparents.
I had been BBMing with my mom all day, so this was pretty uneventful. I feel like Skype dates are becoming pointless because we honestly BBM each other daily, so there isn't much to say. We just sort of sit there staring at each other going "Soooooooo do you have plans tonight?" "Nope. How is the dog?" "Good. I cleaned the basement yesterday." "Cool. I did laundry." Also my grandpa is deaf, so he just repeats over and over that I look good and why is it dark over there (time zones: they are a real thing) and my grandma is easily overwhelmed so she just repeats over and over "wow the computer is amazing!" re: Skype. We have been Skyping almost weekly for 6 months now, but, I mean, I guess it is! I still remember when "video chatting" was a thing "of the future" in Spaceship Earth at EPCOT and I was all "THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN, THAT IS CRAZY TALK". Man, what did I know at age 11.

Okay, I guess that is not all of the things, but it was a lot of them!! I feel good about my day!!


work, books

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