possible employment opportunities: i has them.

Mar 12, 2011 19:55

I am applying for a (very) well-paid Production Trainee position at the BBC, and I am scurred! It begins in September, which would be perfect, and still allow for me to run around making money and traveling about Europe in the summer. This is exactly the type of position I always wanted to apply for when I was still in school, but 1) I was still in school, and 2) I had no actual experience to speak of. Now I'm free and have six months at a film production company under my belt, so my chances just skyrocketed, I think.

The part of the application I'm most nervous about is having to do a one-minute pitch for a TV show idea, due in April. UHHHHHH. I have a few ideas, but having to pitch an entire TV show in a minute? No...big...deal? I guess a big part of it will be communicating without pausing and going UM UM UM DURRR every other sentence. And, hey, it doesn't say anything about not being allowed to edit it!! Maybe I can put in a billion Lucas-style transitions between me just popping in from out of frame to exclaim things like "SPACE!" and "MAKE-OUTS!" (How bad would you want me working for you if you were a TV producer right now? Did I just blow your mind?)

Anyway, man, the real world is kind of awesome. So many options for things to do!

In regularly scheduled nerdy news, just now I was composing fic snippets in my head while I was in the shower, and one idea I had involved Kirk confronting Spock about keeping some info to himself and being all "I thought Vulcans couldn't lie!", then Spock replying "Withholding the truth, Captain, is not the same as telling a lie." Then I put on an episode of TOS (The Enterprise Incident) only to find that Spock says basically that exact thing almost verbatim ("it is not a lie to keep the truth to oneself"). Obviously this is a pretty basic philosophical debate, but still! Characterization win? Hahaha.

This is super-weird, but I also just realized that Kirk & Spock kind of remind me of Jacen & Tenel Ka. One of them is all "I am super serious :| Your jokes evade me but I'll humour you cause you're cute" and then the other is kind of a big dork (do...I even need to give examples here?) who are all "YAY ADVENTURES" and are extra-loyal and driven by instinct/emotion. PERSONALITY TYPES: THEY ARE A THING.

P.S. Exhausted foreverrrrr, and I don't know why! Lame :(
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