Wow, it's taken me, crap, seventeen hours to slap *bullet points* together. I used to be more productive.
Driving around in the near-country suburban wee hours dark: excellent time for listening to new Bat For Lashes album (in short: YES GLORIOUS PERFECTION). And look, there (was) Orion.
Ought to finish the food festival post, but in short: that bourbon chocolate pecan pie remains the (aspirational) standard.
I have so many pie recipes now, not counting either Tarts and Pies or A Year of Pies. And apparently I'm spreadsheet-organizing them now (maybe I'll get my act together in time to update how many chocolate pecan pie ones I've managed to collect *before* The Day of Turkeys Etc.).
Election Night chocolate chip-chocolate-pumpkin bread of apprehension VICTORY. It was goddamn amazing bread, just to be perfectly clear.
Modified beerless (being, well, beerless at the time, not anti-(cooking with) beer) version of Slate's
pumpkin beer bread:
-- +2? cups chocolate chips
-- +a half to a cup of baking or hot cocoa
-- I doubled for two loaves, but used three eggs instead of four, with ?at least half, probably more, a cup? of *unsweetened* apple sauce.
Weekend Skyfall tally: 2. [Reaction placeholder.]
Face-time with
frozenemerald and
spiritedartist: incomparably priceless. Hearts and smiles, squared.
Sorry, you'll have to supply your own favorite Obama re-election picture, but SWEET RELIEF HOORAY.