There are good movies, there are bad movies, and there are awesome movies. Newsies is an awesome movie. Team Awesome banded together tonight for Katie's introductory viewing (and some Blackadder Goes Forth). Also, Laura is a hard-core Newsies fan who knows all the words to every song. In the behind-the-scenes stuff, the director seems to be laboring under the delusion that he's made some profound statement about the misery of life as a working child at the turn-of-the-century. I'm sorry, Mr Ortega, what you have is a movie where teenage boys engage in mass-choreographed dance-offs. Starring Incredibly Young (But Still Radiating Way Too Much Sexual Charisma for a Children's Movie) Christian Bale. Who has an epic angsty love story with this other guy and other guy's sister. And maybe this other other guy who sports floppy hair and a pimp cane. As told through song and dance. There's even a motherly dance-hall hoor. Seriously, one of the top ten Most Awesome Awesome Movies ever made. Why it failed at the box office, I'll never know.
I keep finding mention of an X-Files/Newsies time travel crossover fic, but no actual links. Deny me not!
"Hey want to hear about the 'Newsies' prostitution ring?" ('97 Movieline article/interview)
UGO interview: How Newsies influenced Yuma: "When I first arrived in Santa Fe, I could not get the song from Newsies out of my head. Every time somebody said "Santa Fe" - if you're familiar with Newsies there's a song - it would just go off in my head. And it hadn't gone off in my head in sixteen years or something. Dammit if every time I saw a sign or a road sign or somebody mentioned it... And it took a good month or so for that to quit, but I definitely kept that inside. I wasn't going to let anyone know about it. That's what the conflict is in [my character] in Yuma. [Laughs]"
Godawful quality video of the
Santa Fe number in question. Must be watched if only for the hilarious dance routine that starts around 2:13 (gold, pure gold).
Ah, apparently random singing woman who makes one unexplained appearance? Is looking for her missing son.