Movies Reviews (AKI)

Feb 21, 2008 11:07

Genki desu ? <--- What a weird way to begin a post. Actually i kind fo find it difficult to start a post that's why now i am writing this, so finally it's my beginning... *dizzy*

So ! As i explained it i am a movie lover. And i still haven't posted any reviews so here i begin with the last three movies i recently watched.. an american movie entitled No Country for Old Men; a korean movie entitled The Host and an indian movie entitled Dus Kahaniyaan (= ten stories)

Directed by the Coen Brothers, nominated 8 times at the Academy Awards 2008 with Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin,...

The story revolves around a hunter who discovers a suitcase full of money but least does he know that its owner just broke out from jail and besides being a bandit, he is also a psychotic killer.

  • One would instantly think - a Coen Brothers movie ? Then this movie will be awesome. I know i did. Just think about their previous movies... The Big Lebowski, Fargo, O'Brother.
  • Somehow, this great waiting ended up with my disppointment. The story was sure interesting but i felt a lack of editing and it was way too long.. i was fighting for not sleeping.
  • But, the actors were all excellent. This psychotic character played by Javier Bardem was way too freaky ! This is the first time i am watching a movie with him and this spanish actor is talented !
  • The end of the movie was predictable but inconsistent at the same time, though the cinematography was beautiful. Not everyone's taste and it barely belongs to mine unfortunately...

Korean movie (Gwoemul), The Host is directed by Joon-Ho Bong (Memories of Murder). It won several awards like the Best Asian Film Award 2007. Cast : Kang-ho Song, Hie-bong Byeon, Hae-il Park, Ah-sung Ko, Du-na Bae.

The story revolves around a mysterious and aggressive creature of the sea who will merge from Seoul's Han River and kidnapp a little girl after attacking the inhabitants. Thus, the girl's family will search for her... even if it means breaking the law and facing the government dirty tricks.

  • This movie was wonderful. I loved a lot. There was this Korean humor touch you know but still this dramatic atmosphere.. yeah because it is still an horrible monster.. no Willy or Flipper kind of creature loool.
  • The editing, cinematography and directing was great. the actors were all amazing being silly and dumb but at the same time making you cry out of sadness and pain.
  • Even though, hmm, the creature kind of really looked fake, for me, i didn't mind because the rest of the movie was perfect. I really recommend it to you. It's a movie worth watching. The Little girl.. gosh... *thumbs up* !

Indian movie (2007) : ten short stories directed by various directors and with almost 26 actors once and for all.

This one is hard to resume.. there are ten short stories.

  • Well my review for this indian movie will be actually not long. Out of ten, i only liked 4 movies which included Gubbare (=balloons), Zahir, Pooranmashi and Rice Plate. The other ones were either uninteresting, or dumb stories or bad acted.

  • The stories kind of all talk about the same theme which is desire, infidelity, prostitution, drug addict (that's for the hard subjects) then you have lost love, lost of faith, everlasting love, friendship and the last one (the worst story)... errr.. i can' t even describe it - the story was too horrible as for dumber than dumb... a mix of Jumanji/death Note/ and porn movie... yeah.. my description isn't really flaterring...

  • THE GOOD POINT : the song is really beautiful though.. i love it ! "Dus ! Sapne hain toote  Dus ! Apne hain Joote Dus ! Kahaniyaan !" (= roughly translated it goes like 10 ! Dreams are being shattered.. 10! Our own are traitors... 10 ! Stories)

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Voila, here i end this post...
Random Subject : i just wanted to share with you my Song of the moment. <33.. i am crazy about it and keep on listening to it over and over : SIMPLE PLAN, When I'm Gone

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asian, movies, reviews, bollywood, hollywood

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