Thanksgiving and shit

Nov 24, 2007 20:30

It was just my sis and I here in good ol' Arlington, VA for Thanksgiving.  We ate some food.  No more that necessary.  That was that.  I was sad that the pool was not open and had to wait till Fri to swim.  Oh well.  It was almost 80F here, so I got in a good run and biked with sissy-poo (it was an abridged ride since she does not bike much).

I am going a little stir crazy here.  Is it sad that I almost wish I was at work so that I would have something to do?  There are only so many hours you can exercise in a day.  Granted, on days that I work, I wish I had more hours for that purpose.  Stupid Catch-22s.

The night before Thanksgiving, we went out (since Joe went to Pitt to celebrate with his fam (whew!)) and had 3 rounds of drinks bought for us.  I must admit, I totally like girly drinks.  I cannot tell the truth.  Hard alcohol that taste fruity are my forte (other than wine and good beer, note, GOOD beer).  I find it both sad and amusing that I have only gotten drunk once this year and that was Halloween weekend.  *sigh*  I do not usually get these cravings, but dammit, sometime I just want to go out, have fun with friends and get drunk!  My life is sadly so drole.

So basically the only thing I've done all of break is work out.  Yep, and totally loving it.  I bought a medicine ball last week and have put it to great use since then.  Today after volunteering at the Zoo, I went to Bethesda to get a bike.  I looked at Craigslist earlier this week and inquired into a bike that I wanted.  I got it!  2005 Trek 1200!  Woohoo!  Now I finally have a road bike of my own (since I had to return the one i was using, i.e. I was borrowing it).  Just need to get some SPDs and a computer and bottle cages and I'll be set.  Since i'm not doing Jack tomorrow, I can take it out and ride it for a nice long test run.

Watched The Departed on Thanksgiving (for the 2nd time).  Wow, I think I'm totally in love (or at least highly attracted to) with Leonard DiCaprio's character.  This is very unusual for me.  I often try to avoid DiCaprio films and tend to dislike his characters.  But this one, Wm Costigan, holy hottie!  Not just physically, but I am attracted to his character in general.  How odd, well, i guess not so odd, but for me it is.  I guess I just want a hardass/rebel/independent/aloof, etc man.  Psh, like I'll ever find one like that.  Michael, you were right...

hot men, thanksgiving, bike

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