Lions and Hobbits and Food, Oh My

Dec 28, 2013 21:58

As the_sheryl and I enjoy a lazy final weekend of 2013, I realize it's time for another update on our recent exploits.

As usual we took advantage of the holiday to visit Sheryl's parents at their winter home in Florida. This year's trip was a bit more interesting than previous excursions. With Christmas on a Wednesday we added a day to our typical four-day trip. Plus, Sheryl's mom is recovering from another bout of cellulitis in her legs and was even less mobile than usual. So, other than going out for dinner (and one brunch) we generally didn't stray too far from their condo.

We did get up to Lion Country Safari, the main part of which is seen by car. Not one to stop and smell the roses, Sheryl's dad rolled through the driven part at about twice the recommended speed limit. That made taking pictures challenging, but I did get some decent ones. A friend had loaned Sheryl's parents a wheelchair, which made traversing the walkable portion much easier.

Sheryl and I did take advantage of the movie theater across the street from her parents' community to catch The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. We enjoyed it, though I do think I agree with the folks complaining that the additions linking The Hobbit more closely with LOTR are not necessarily positive ones.

Of course, we ate our way across South Florida, including Mamma Mia's and the Kingdom Buffet (thus fulfilling the mitzvah "Thou shalt partake of Chinese food on Christmas Eve"). Meaning I need to spend some quality time with my treadmill unless I want to buy several new pairs of jeans!

family, travel

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