Sometimes you just have to laugh between crying at the fucking irony of it all. Three days ago I accidentally killed one of my kitties because she flew under the truck when I came home. I did not see here until she had already done it. I had no chance to stop. It was fucking horrific. Shittiest feeling ever. I would have normally thought why is this happening to me blah blah blah but you know what fuck that. That attitude has gotten me zero. I'm going to hold my head high even though it hurts. I will push through the pain knowing I will come out ahead with nothing but good memories of my my dear uncle and of my children. My Ziggy and now
My sweet baby monkey. I am being as positive as I possibly can but I still can not believe that they are all not here physically with me anymore. It tears at my heart. I will cherish my sweet Lola and my Boogums. When they say life is really hard sometimes this is one of those types of times. Monday I will get back on my silks. Tomorrow I will laugh all day with the man I love and maybe I will only have one replay of what happened three days ago when I woke up and said everything is going to be good.. See the problem was I didn't add no matter what at the end. I miss you uncle Guy, Zig, & Munk. Take care of each other. We will see each other again someday. I love you so much.
Boogs visiting his sister. They loved each other.
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