Lets begin. My dream was continuous so theres only one part. One long, continuous dream :)
You know, tying something this huge so early in the morning is really strange. I mean, I can hardly talk right after waking up, so, if I have typos, smn.
First, I remember Dogs. Tons and Tons of dogs. I was at someone's house, and there were dogs everywhere. Different types, doncha know. It much have been a neighbor's house. I can't list them all, but there were a bunch. At least 20 when I walked into the house. Ok, tons of dogs. Got it.
I went to the back because I felt like it, and I almost got attacked by a) A Doberman, and b) some other gaurd dog. Maybe a collie? Maybe a GD? Not a German sheperd. I saw them approach and went "@#&!" and ran towards the wooden fence to jump it, even though it was taller than me. The doberman stopped and shook its head, and then laughed. It started talking about its bad eyesight. The other dog laughed too. I just quietly mumbled/thought "wtf..." and then walked over to them. We started talking, and I liked them better than the other dogs.
The dogs and I walked into the shade (it was a hot, summer day you see) and we saw another dog underneath a baby's swing. I asked if its name was Werewolf, because thats what I thought it should be named, and it was. He was all black except for a few gold spots on his eyes and chest. I must have PO'd him by saying his name because he woke up and avoided me. After he woke up it was suddenly night, and there was a bonfire. He looked pretty eerie/cool :) For some reason, it really bothered me that I knew its name before I was told so. It made me think the owners of the dogs were sucky, or something.
It was getting darker, and so I went past the bonfire (in the middle of the back yard) far back to a little houselike school thing. I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but I do remember leaving that to go stammer around in the dark. I slid into an open door way and found it was a wicked creepy wives' class for either conducting some evil magic, or for ghost wives to do evil, or something else. Whatever it was, it pertained to evil. So I snuck out through that's back door, instead of trying to sneak out the way I came. I came into another room, maybe a kitchen.
The room became a dungeon or sorts, and there were stairs. I went up the stairs and deposited turtle there, because I didn't want to take him to class (which was downstairs) I made sure he was safe by a chair and such, and that his water was fine. Then, I went downstairs. I don't remember what I did at all, I just remember coming back up before it was over and taking him away. The room I left him in was bronze. Not because there was any metal (it was wooden) but the dust, and the lighting appealed to me, and had a bronze effect.
I found a weird fish, and I put him with Turtle. I was afraid they wouldn't get along, and they kind of circled each other, but in the end they were fine. The container turned into a plate, and I had to rush them across a lake. The I don't remember feeling the coldness of the lake, or the wetness, but I remember walking through it, and what it looked like. It was very beautiful, dirty, but full of life <3 there was a squid like thing and I took it with me. On the other side of the lake was Turtle's container, and I put Turtle and the weird fish in it. The weirdness of the fish was due to its body, which was too big and round for its tail :D Anyway, in it went.
I was afraid the Fish had spent too long outside of water (I didn't put it in the lake because it'd have gone away) and I was scared it'd die. But it turned back from belly up and swam around. Then, I put the squid thing in the water, and watched the fish and the squid thing battle it out. There were life bars, like in Fable fishing. Eventually the fish ate the squid. There was a scientific reasoning section, where it was proven through logic/physics the fish would win, but I didn't get much of it. The squid had tenticles, and it was its downfall :: shrug::
Then I was Robin Williams. I made a house by this beautiful lake, even though people said it couldn't be done. My wife believed in me and I worked as hard as I could. I built a frame, and worked and worked. Flash forward about 20 years, and I haven't aged very much. I just look greyer. My wife is inside the house, which looks a lot like either my friends house before, or the school thing before. There are screens everywhere, and its hot. My daughter steps out of the house and talks to my mom about Physics. I stop being Robin Williams and become his son (dream son, not actual son, if he has one :(). I get eager to tell her all about Physics, even though I haven't taken it, because I'm sure I'll love it and I love learning. At first I'm younger than her.
A few days cascade into one, and she's talking about "another formula" she had to remember, and she can't understand. She asks Mom how old Physics is, and why its so important. Dad and I start telling her at different time, but we get drowned out and overlooked. She says her family embarasses her and she can't stand it, and she always has her back to us...
Dad leaves, exit stage left, and I leave, exit stage right.. I trudge on dejected, and I find a fence. After my sister's attack of our a) manhood, b) courage, and c) lives in general, I wanted to prove her wrong in at least one aspect. She bitched we were spineless, so I rammed myself, headfirst into a fence. I saw my face, then, and I was a really weird looking greasy italian decent teen, with roughed up brunet hair and braces. Dad rushed by, and mom just stood by her screen'd window, and then my shitty sister came, who looked like a bitch. Nasty snarl perpetually on her face, bimbo bleached blonde hair (short) and just a really shitty personality. She was about to bitch at me when Dad got the courage to ground her, or whatever he did. Then she walked into the wire fence'd off section of the yard, and got stung by about 20 bees, because she had done something crazy with the dog and some bee berries, or something. Either way, the end result was hella funny, and me, dad, and mom laughed at her.
Not that she didnt deserve it or anything
Fucking slut.
like, 45 f'in minutes.