First post in a couple years

Jun 27, 2010 11:11

It's funny that I should choose now to re-start my travel journal of sorts in livejoural. Now that I am back on the road. Now that I am back in love.
I went onto my photobucket to upload some pictures for here and the top photo is the last one in the set or the last area of photos that I was uploading.
Now I am wanting to come back to making livejournal updates. Livejournal lends more to the personal side of traveling. The thoughts that go through ones head and so forth.

This is Michael with his little cousin Colton.

The beautiful Marco Island Trees

This is my babaaaay....

Little pirate Colton,...

Argh,... Its a Colton Pirate!

Wise old man advise

so this is it for now, I started posting this a while back but am only now actually posting it. Glad to finaly be making an update on here. Hope everyone is doing well.
I send my love
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