Need to let off steam....

Sep 16, 2006 07:07

I have tried to handle these past events with a bit of reserve but after finding out the main part of why, what and who, etc I just need to rant and get a few things off my chest.

Well, I hope that this sorry escuse of a mother/girl/person is happy with her lies and deciept. Someone prepared to go so low, to do something even some of her own family members think is beyond reasoning and to crush a ten year, caring friendship for the sake of one stupid idea.

Well I hope your happy, I hope you can live with your lies, your narrow minded, selfish ideas and your distgusting, filthy dirty lifestyle. And your very questionable parenting abilities. No 3 your old should tell ANY adult to "Fuck Off" when told to go to bed at 3am.

Well I send out this warning to you... You may like the puches in teh face, the drunken beatings and name calling, being pushed around and slammed into furniture by a drunken waste of a sad excuse of a boy! I say boy cos he's no man in many peoples eyes. But I promise, when my son is born (If it is finally proved to be mine) then the first time I hear there has been trouble at your house, expect me 5 minutes behind.
I will be there for only TWO reasons...
ONE - To laugh in your face as you cry at the fist shaped bruises in your face. I'll laugh at how pathetic you look after pretending to be some tough woman who can protect herself when needed. I'll laugh at your tear soaked face as you realise I wouldn't have laid so much as a finger on you but you cast me out for this abuse. I'll laugh at your two-faced, lie filled, devious, evil face of how you were prepared to throw me aside, who you know would have atleast looked after you to the best I could, for the piece of half dead, alcohol soaked waster of a festering, unclean, danger to women, dole scrounging scruff you call a boyfriend. I hope you choke on his useless, flacid, brewers drooped cock!
TWO - And most important! Once I managed to contain my laughter, I will take my son and walk out of your life. There will be NO-WAY he will be allowed to stay around such violence and bad upbringing. I don't want this little soul to have nothing to look forward to other than a blue tracksuit, ford fiesta's, cheap cider, sovereign rings and nothing but street fights, bus stops and Zanzibar to amuse himself with. I will refuse to watch his future destroyed because of the attitude of his mother, prepared to dump him anywhere or with anyone so she can go pulling with ehr zanzidollars - And don't deny it'll happen - Remember befre, text message read similar to "Watch over my daughter, I'm being a dirty stop out tonight!" which roughly translated to "I'm just gonna dump my daughter with you tonight cos I'm more concerned with going to get laid for a laff!"

I'll just now sit quiet and wait for that day to come when the ambulance pulls up at your door! 'Cos you know he'll do it again, regardless how many times he's said he's changed. He ALWAYS manages to change back!"
Enjoy your little dole scrounging, chav life-style bliss while it lasts!!!!

There, I'm done!
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