Oct 11, 2004 00:13
Alex and I had just returned from a few moments of merriment before another week of hell, at Za's, when I was suddenly struck with an urge to check my e-mail. It was funny because this so called "urge," was actually another of my sad hopes of hearing from her again. Me and Alex were just talking about relationships, and I was jolted with the reality of how much I truly miss her. So I logged on, and to my surprise there is not one, but two e-mails from Amy. She not only broke a promise which broke my heart (not to speak to her until christmas), but she said she did want to hear from me, and that I am in fact welcome at her house. Not only that, she claims she may come see my show, which would means huge brownie points proving she does care enough not to be well..., shes not being and thats the point. So much is going through me head, much good, some sad, I read a lot of entries in her journal, and I couldn't help but cry. Heh, my friend never noticed, granted he was asleep, but still...Victory! I know she has been going through a lot lately, so have I, but to read her thoughts, as they happen, hurts my being. I wish I could just hold her, and tell her I am here, and I do care, and every tear that has ever crossed her cheek, burned my every emotion, and not one was ever ignored. I don't even know where this entry is going or who it's really too, I'm just putting down my thoughts. I have to sleep, god i miss her...