First off...I LOVE "UMBRELLA".
This is summer...whooooopeee. I was scared when last semester ended that I would be bored out of my mind with a lack of things to do. Working at the restaurant has kept me pretty preoccupied during most of the week and then hanging out with Chris on Monday and Tuesday has pretty much taken up the rest of my time. It's not bad though...I enjoy keeping myself busy and productive. However, between Chris and B. Moon I found myself having nothing to do on since I won't allow myself a day to not do something, I have picked up two side projects (since the Packet refused to give my talented ass an internship). Firstly, while working a month ago, Brian's parents came in and were asking me about my plans over the summer. After shamefully revealing that the majority of my summer will be spent serving salads and racks of lamb to rich people, I cried over not getting the summer internship. Brian's dad then gave me his card and told me to e-mail him sometime. So I did, and now I'm working on a hefty article detailing the Verizon vs. Comcast battle for Internet/Cable/Telephone supremacy that is going on in central Jersey. It's going to be published in U.S.1 and the deadline is like the last week of July. It's exciting to actually be working on a lengthy article that isn't just for a class. There is also a rumor of getting paid which I have caught wind of...which I am totally all about. But anyway, I've been spending most of my free time working on the article and then writing record reviews for this music webzine (
Hybrid Magazine). I sent them some of my stuff a month ago and then was approved to write for them. Sweeeet. I wrote a review of the Amy Winehouse cd and the new Straylight Run record, and then like a delicious present from musical heaven, they sent me four fucking FREE discs in the mail. Along with the Feist cd I already have, I am responsible for writing about the new Maroon 5 cd and three discs from bands I've never heard of: Amandine, Verona Grove & the Mercies. It's a lot of work when combined with my story for U.S.1...but I am really excited to do it for both the additional experience that this gives me and the bulking up that this will do to my resume/portfolio.
However, I am a little disappointed that I don't have ample free time this summer, mainly because I have only got a fraction of what I have wanted to read during these four months. I finished "Lockpick Pornography" that Kevin lent me, and I am currently halfway through this book about cadavers called "Stiff". People without fail raise their eyebrows to me when I show them the cover with a dead body's feet sticking out from under a blanket with a name tag on the big toe that says the title, but it is actually a very interesting (and respectively humurous) book. After I'm finished I want to get cracking on these three David Sedaris books that I just bought. I have heard so many great things about this guy that I am very excited to dive into his work.
Well...that's all I care to write about now...I really need to get working some more on this article and then review these mountains of cds.