I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden...

Jul 19, 2004 16:17

Ok...time for a real update.
Vacation Bible School last week was Hell - how is that for irony?  The children were terribly undisciplined, which I can handle, but the pastor really tried my patience.

My mom was the director, and she simply gave me the teacher’s guide to the musical module to study.  Well I studied the book, and picked out the songs that I wanted to teach (6 out of the 13 songs).  The pastor was too busy to read all the info, because she is a teacher.  Well once school was out she got a hold of the director’s book from another church.  All the decisions the group had made in the past weeks concerning scheduling and the like went out the window.  She decides in the middle of the week that she didn’t agree with my song choice, so I told her that her she was too late to make those decisions.  It really irked me!!  If she wanted things in a certain manner she should have read everything up front and communicated it to the module leaders BEFORE they created their lessons (I was not the only one she ticked off).  We were following the books after all.  I learned the songs, created motions, and made props - that takes a lot of free time!!  I just do not think that is anyway to treat volunteers.  Now it is Monday, and last week seems so long ago.  I almost miss reasoning with 3 year olds who throw tantrums and hate people for helping them.  Or some 9 year old who decided to torment/tease the 10 year old alpha male just so the alpha male will chase him, or the same kid who was doing obscene things with the prayer bears.  Also super cute - little 3 year old James talking to me while I am singing with the older kids.  Oh I will miss James begging, “Can we sing the Daniel song”  The experience was rewarding in that the 2 unruly 3 year olds actually learned some bible stories, it also managed to press the snooze bar on my biological clock!

Alright…what else is going on.  Some small minded/large waisted person is calling Derek “fat” and “old” on the Webster message boards (www.webstertheater.com).  It is very strange because their recollection of events, that they claimed to have witnessed at Bound, are incorrect.  After all, who mistakes a irish driving cap for a kongo(l) hat?  Plus, I was the one who was handing out flyers, Derek spent the night talking to a couple from the UK, and this other couple who live on the coast.  No girl would have made a mistake like this, especially one so obviously filled with venom!

I can only ascribe the entire episode to jealousy and other petty crimes and just move on.  Especially since it appears the person needs a visit to the “Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good”.  If you have not seen that movie….get thee to a nunnery, err I mean Blockbuster.

And as for you, vampiravonrock/imaginaryboy/Natasha - “Do you understand that the world does not revolve around you and your do whatever it takes, ruin as many people's lives, so long as you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied along the way, just so long so you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied and dying along the way?”

Damn I love that movie!!

more updates later....must be off to the airport to pick up Meggan, and then to Tisane
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