Blast from the past

Dec 19, 2007 15:54

Last week, I was at work when I familiar face walked in which I couldn't place. It drove me mad for a bit until I figured out that it was almost certainly Mr Sam Bridger of Chineapples/.org fame. Needless to say, I got moved to a different building for the rest of the week and didn't see him again to confirm (or not) my suspicions.

This week, he came in again and I went ahead with "Excuse me... but is your name Sam Bridger?"
"What? How did you know that???"

He obviously had no idea who I was, but I didn't really expect him to. I probably only remember him because I had a massive crush on him for, like, ever.

Looks less hot now though.
His hair is short, his jeans fully intact and he looks so... professional.
Less hot, but still hot.
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