Nov 22, 2004 08:06
Okay, my first class is chorus, and i know that our chorus needs alot of work still, so im like yes time to work on our music, but alas... its not to be, cause mr. prescot didnt show up to day. So it became another study hall, so im in the libary ware i seem to be all the time now, writing in my journal.
I feel bad for Krissy well i did that is. shes so worried about her BF and this girl named casey that he used to like and them hanging out all the time. My advice is if your so worried about it jsut talk to him, but i have to place in that convo so im not goingto suggest anything, its not like any of them give a shit about what i say and think, im basicly invisable to everyone. no one cares really wether im alive or dead at this school. People told me i should get one of these live journal things and im sure i will, but no one ever comments on here or i think even reads it. Wich in somes cases is a good thing for me but at the same time it really pisses me off. I think mostly they wanteed to know whats going on inside my head, givieng them more ammo to use against me, and make fun of me again. yeah im gonna have ot quit drama after this play is done, i wont be able to go to one acts because of all my classes i have next trimester.
Damnit.... I found out that my senior english class project is due next class i thought it was due after vaca. stupid me. so i have so get that all done tonight, its gonna be a shity presentation on my part. blah, its not even goingto be worth a 4 which i desperstly need in that class. im such a fuckin mess up. I still have to do all my fucking righting projects too. Im such a loser. im so loaded down and stressed out that its making my peraniod. and this damn medicaton that i was put on isnt helping me at all. yeah go im not good at anything, i sound just die, its not like anyone would care or miss me.