(no subject)

Nov 22, 2004 07:32

yeah, peolpe are all fasciest basturds. yup thats true, i hate them all, wel exept ryan matte but he's the only one i dont hate and jenna, how did i forget about her, bad me *smacks self* but other then them i hate them all.

Im beging to believe what my grams been telling me i am fat so i have to stop eating now and do alot of exersis as well, If ryan knew ive stop eating he'd kill me but he doesnt have live journal so im okay...... ive decided this yesterday after i ate so muck food at cheryls house. So now welcome diet. I heard from my "stepmom" saturday and she said that my grandpa looked so bad she didnt think he was goign to make it thru the weekend, i havent head any didfferent, but you know when you get that feeling that somethings wrong and you dont know why, yeah ive had that feeling sence i got up this morning and i just cant seem to sake it. I hope that hes okay i really do.

My house is so full of saw dust that its killing me. first of all its been clicly provin that im alergic to mold cheep perfume and dust. Yes i accualy went to an alergest and he stuck me with 75 needles and this is what we found out. YEAy gramp why dont you jsut kill me with all the fucking saw dust in he house..... grrrrr........

well i talked to ryan for over and hour last night and that made me happy, hes like the only person that can realy do that anymore. It sucks so mush that hes in another state that i dont go to anymore and that when hes not hoem hes in college at Ucon and i cant see him then. We both really like each other but we cant do anythig about it. and it sucks. I had another one of those crazy dreams last night. One of those dreams that i could see al the peoples faces clearly. and i smelt things and touched things. i beginging to think im having out of body expearences because there so vivid now. its really started to scare me now. blah what are my dreams doing to me .... i dont feel lek im getting any rest at all. Im alway tired, i think il get some energy pills at the store and see if that will help me wake up alittle.
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