Nov 11, 2009 22:17

Great episode. And I don't hate anybody. Which is good, because I do not want to hate anybody on this show. I want to love them all! Except Terri. And Kendra. And Jacob.

ARTIE. OH ARTIE. He is just lovely.

"Well, you're irritating most of the time... but don't take that personally."


Loved this version of "Dancing With Myself". Artie's voice ♥_♥

Brittany, you just... keep on being your funny, clueless self. I luff her. Especially with how sweet she was to Becky. This is why I like 'dumb' characters typically. Sure you can't have an intelligent conversation with them, but they have a heart of gold.

What is UP with that bandana, Kurt? -_^

Heh, Kurt's dad isn't ready for any boy problems just yet.

Nobody messes with the Hummels! Man, Burt was angry when he got that phone call. So cowardly by the way, and unoriginal. I mean what, really, Anonymous Dickhead, that's all you can think of so say? Go play in traffic, whoever you are. I hope Daddy Hummel gets the chance to beat one of those jerks at some point.

I liked how Burt saw how upset Kurt was over not being able to sing "Defying Gravity", and seemed he was so ready right then and there to be able to do something for his son. They're such opposites, that I bet when he can fix something for Kurt, he's ready to jump at the chance to do so.

Yeah this episode didn't help some peoples hate for Quinn. But I still enjoy her. Yes she absolutely needs to tell Finn the truth, and the pressure she is putting on him, the bitchiness, when he is not even the father is unfair. And poor Puck is doing everything he can to prove himself to her, his "baby mama". (btw it WOULD be kind awesome if that baby come out with a mowhawk) Yet I still don't hate her (I do understand those who do though). She's trying to take care of her baby, only not going about it the best way. Probably going to have to hit rock bottom before she can redeem herself. And it will be messy. But I'm patient lol. There's a comment posted on gleeclub someone shared that made me think more about her situation, and I'll just link it because my post is long enough. HERE.

"I really like Artie, okay?" Heheheheh.

Quinn/Puck food fight was cute. Cheesy yes, but cute. They make a gorgeous pairing. I'm sure Quinn won't keep the baby - certainly don't want Terri to have the baby though - but I kind of reallyreallyreally want to see Puck and Quinn interact with their baby after she's born. And aw, the look on his face after he learns it's a girl. Gah.

Aww, Artie. Poor guy. Damn you, Tina! YOU MOTHER FAKER. Well. At least Tina told the truth. *glares pointedly at Quinn's lies*

Even if Lea's voice is better, I liked Chris' version more, except for the bad note at the end. It's his song, yo'! Of course I'm biased.

Speaking of that bad notes, awww he did it on purpose for his dad. They love each other so much. I love this father/son relationship.

And how could I forget?! Sue and her big sister OMG. Thank you show, for showing this side of Sue. Thankyouthankyou.

Between Sue and her visiting her bigger sister with Downs Syndrome, to Kurt and his dad, and Artie... no. Not gonna do it. Hold back the tears, girl! Not... gonna...

Damn you, Glee.

tv shows: glee

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