This show is like Costco...

Nov 06, 2009 00:37

I have a new show. It's Modern Family. I had a feeling I would like it but like with many other shows, I just kept putting it off... that, and I have Glee to watch. But I saw some totally cute gifs from the most recent episode posted online and I was like, "okay, I must see what this is all about. Now!" I have watched all the episodes available on and fell in love pretty much instantly. There's so many things I'm still laughing over just thinking about it, Cameron's delivery especially.

Yet another show I can add to my list where I love ALL the character. All of them. Though Phil may have a slight lead. I didn't think I was going to like him at a first. He's so clueless, tries too hard, such a overeager puppy, but so encouraging and loves his family to a fault. And well, I do love puppies. ^_^

Wait. Crap. Glee! Ah well, guess I can continue watching MF online.

tv shows: modern family

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