Dear Yultide Author

Dec 31, 2011 23:59

Dear Yuletide Author!

First, AWESOME! So excited! this is my 4th year? Yup!

Second, a few general things... Pretty much I am just excited for a story in any of these fandoms!

Some things I like in fic: character studies, fun, humor, most anything!

Somethings I am not a fan of: non-con, slash, fem-slash, character bashing.

Request: I love all the characters, don't read slash, and the rating is up to you. Team One day off group outing, funny misadventures, mission fic, friendships, general... it all works. Ed Lane is my favorite character and his relationship with his wife slays me all the time. WORDY... I miss you. And LEW! Spike is always awesome. Donna and Jules... awesome kick arse woman, what else needs to be said? :-) THANKS!

I didn't pick any characters here cause well, the choices were randomly odd. But I love all the characters. I am American, so I am caught up on what Canada calls S3... but haven't seen S4 yet all though some eps are on my DVR.

I am one of those annoying peeps who pretty much will be happy with anything and give crap direction like "general, team fic, fun outing, whatever!" Sorry. :-D

Rookie Blue
Request: Actually I love all the "rookies" who are no longer rookies. I ship Swarek/McNally and Nash/Barber, but love general and friendship also. Case fic, random event that lead through crazy to them solving a crime and getting the bad guy, rookie day off ... it's all good. No slash of any kind please. Any rating is fine. THANKS!

I think the request says it all... just like Flashpoint, I am up for pretty much anything. Gen, friendship, romance.... fun hyjinks, cases, some time "off" at the Penny. It's all good!

Foyle's war
Request: If anyone actually writes this... I am your slave (okay not really, but the awesomesauce is unspeakable!). Seriously, I love this show and while I love all the characters (although not happy with Milner in the final series) Sam and Mr Foyle are my favorites. And I confess to shipping them due to TFFKOAH. Adventures, cases, fun events in cases... anything goes (except slash) and any rating works. THANKS!

Yeah... Seriously, I love this fandom, have since I first saw it and spent the time between US releases counting the days until the next one practically. I love Sam. She's strong and yet true to the time period. She doesn't let the men keep her out... just uses her own brand of patience and insistence to get what she wants. And I love Mr Foyle. I loved Milner until the last 3 eps of the show. I loved that they brought it back, but seriously. They butchered his character!

I think I'd prefer friendship and general here. But like the other 2 fandoms, case fic, crazy adventures of Sam, anything is great!


~~~ Me!

2011, yuletide

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