Jul 13, 2009 21:45
We’ve rested on the name Hendrix for my lil’ guy for now. It’s taken forever to come to a name that I liked for more than roughly 3 hours, but I feel really good about it. It’s very possible that I will change my name after meeting baby, it’s very possible that I will not. Mostly, we love the name Henry, and we always have. But, I wanted a longer first name. Once we came up with Hendrix, I was sold.
So, it’s Hendrix or Henry for now. I cannot BELIEVE the things people do/ say when you tell them you’ve decided on a name. The faces they make, etc. Mostly, people have said things like, “Don’t you know Jimi Hendrix abused drugs?” 0__0 I really want to respond with, “Who is Jimi Hendrix?” Mostly, my family all have their own names that they have liked from our previous picks, but you know, they’ll get over it!
My favorite reaction was in a bar bathroom (strangers love pregnant ladies). When I told the southern belle waiting next to me she smacked her friend next to her and said, “This girl is naming her son Hendrix!” Then, she turned back to me and said, “That’s just about the coolest fucking name I have ever heard! BAD ASS.” Please imagine this with the most adorable southern drawl in the world.
My bad ass lil’ baby boy. I keep picturing him. Seeing him in my arms… The other day, I realized he could very likely have blond hair and I about LOST MY DAMN MIND. I just can’t WAIT TO MEET HIM.