(no subject)

Nov 03, 2005 00:28

okay its like 12:28, and im not so fucking tired, i feel like calling people, but at the same time i really dont wanna get cursed out. im such a wierd person. imma dump everything i have bottled up in side me..for all those who want to see. where should i start??? how about from some point in sixth grade. im in eighth now...bastards!
okay in sixth grade i decided to attend William Dandy Middle School, i don't regret it, all i know is that i do not belong sometimes. that's a ghetto ass school, and ME go there is a surprise to all family. But anyways I met my best buddy over there and her name is pharell. she started to talk shit about one of her ex boyfriends and would often times have me on the line, not saying anything, to see what a complete ass hole he is. poor guy. well, one time, pharell put me into the fucking spot and i HAD to start talking to him. we had a nice conversation and i ended up giving my fucking number to the guy. he called me that same night and we talked since 6 to like 2 or 3 in morning (that was alot for me cause I didn't spend that much time on the phone like i do now)
I got yelled at later on because i didn't feel like doing my hair and i made my grandmother go by her god damn self. called the boy again, and stayed on the phone all fucking day. He asked me to marry him, my dumb ass said yes. wewent out for about two or three weeks and all that time i had never even seenll: him or vise versa. we broke up cause his friend told me that the was cheating on me. coughstephancough.

seventh grade: *sigh*, before the school year even started:
pharell:let's call someone
me: who
me: *silence* go right on ahead..im not talking to that bastard
pharell:fine then
got another number from his father
pharell:can i please talk to william
???:hold on
pharell:hey william...*blocked out what she said*
pharell:talk STEPHANIE!!!
william: she's on the phone?
me:thanks alot
william:what happened
me:what do you mean?
pharell:i have to go
william: stephanie..call me
stephanie:i don't have your number
willam: *gives out number*
..blah fucking blah, that's all basically what happened that effects me now..and the fact that I went out with him once again, that was also the year that i saw him for the first time and was not trusted for shit by my parents, i think they thought of me as being "loose", and he tore my heart out and stepped on it..and he fucking broke it...but that was almost at the end of the year

eighth grade: still talking to william, we are good FRIENDS (for all those damned people who swear i like him). i confessed my feelings for this boy at school....with poems. first time i did that, that was not my style in the first place but whatever. the boy turned me dwn and i swore to myself never to confess my feeling for someone i truly care for...im having a hard fucking time cause he's so damn perfect! but going on..theres nothing else....really, this was a good way to tell people about my little problem, even though i really didn't confess anything, ill do that later on.
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